Sathya Sai Baba Deceptions Exposed

Exposing major deceits by guru Sathya Sai Baba in India, incl. murders cover-up & widely alleged sexual abuse

Sai Baba on wise and mad monkey minds

Posted by robertpriddy on May 2, 2008

Sathya Sai Baba is ever going on about people having ‘monkey minds’, and – if they ask questions about anything he finds unacceptable, ‘mad monkey minds’. He explains this sometimes by the well-worn Eastern analogy to the monkey trap – monkeys put a hand into a tight-necked jar and grasp a nut in their fist, but can’t get their hand out, nor can let go of the good thing. So they are caught. This is supposed to be a lesson about ‘worldly attachments’ and how one must attach only to Sai Baba’s teaching and preferably to the whole excessive personality cult around him. The “compassionate” Sathya Sai Baba loves to pick on someone in an interview by saying that he or she has a ‘monkey mind’. Interviewees laugh willingly with glee at others expense. How charming! In one instance he asked a young man ‘How is your mind?’ The poor fellow said ‘Swami, I have a monkey mind.” “No” said Swami gleefully “You have a mad monkey mind!” He raised another big [cheap] laugh. How nice some devotees are!

Three wise or mad monkeys

Sathya Sai Baba catches his followers without peanuts, but with cheap trinkets and rings etc. More subtly, keen seekers are invited to get hold of something which very soon which they will and can not let go – the illusion that they have found the one who has ALL THE ANSWERS to everything, and to their own [often sorry] lives. Part of Sathya Sai Baba s ‘trap’ is to tell them that they have to hold on tight, whatever the cost, to what they have found – him, the Full Avatar of the Age, perfect, able to save them from anything and everything for ever. At the same time, they must let go of all ‘worldly’ attachments (which obviously includes money, no less) and only do service.

The other side of this monkey-mind warning is clearly designed to stop any kind of natural curiosity about anything other than what Sathya Sai Baba teaches and tells one to do. Especially any curiosity to find out about his private affairs, and he is a very secretive person who hides away and controls his contacts through the ‘filters’ that many persons around him serve as. Any kind of interest in finding out what Sathya Sai Baba wants kept secret may be attacked as ‘monkey-mindedness’. His followers use it regularly against anyone who raises questions as to the credibility of Sathya Sai Baba s claims.

With the vague proverb of the three monkeys he borrows, Sathya Sai Baba preaches that one should “Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil”. Only what is said against him is ‘evil’ enough to arouse his ire enough for him to lash out. This is seen by his strict and damning warning to devotees not to go onto the Internet when it was humming with more and more new allegations of sexual abuse by Sathya Sai Baba . Meanwhile, he gives his blessing to official Sai Baba websites to spread his ‘eternal message’, particularly how surpassing wonderful he and his works are. Whenever his claims, words and acts might be questioned, he evidently prefers people who are willing to be at least half-deaf, half-blind, half-dumb and who follow his plan to become ‘completely mindless’ – which is literally the spiritual ideal he sets up, believe it or not!

See here for a further and deeper discussion of how this penny proverb is used to cover up crime and abuses.

One Response to “Sai Baba on wise and mad monkey minds”

  1. Mr.Robertpriddy I can only pity your narrow minded approach,you have tried to understand what sathya sai baba says as per your pre conceived notions/hatred/jealousy.Even at this age your monkey mind(Ego) is still the boss and not you.I wish you the very best in life to get over this “I know Attitude” style of thinking.

    reply from Robert:-
    You certainly do not know much. I was involved with Sai Baba since 1983 (after decades of having been told about him by many people, especially Indians). I knew most of the Org. leaders and spoke to Sai Baba many times, also in 5 long private interviews. He said about me “Good, good VERY good man!” on two occasions. He also told the interview group about me “He has a very good mind!” (but I knew my own mind better than he ever did) So you must be wrong about me (n’est ce pas?)! My wife and I gave very large donations, only to discover many years later that the money was used for bribery, was embezzled or used to build useless museums glorifying himself, by Sai Baba. I have no hatred, only great disdain for him and no jealousy whatever (you learned that from SB – he thought almost every one was jealous of him!), but want to protect the vulnerable who may believe in what that mountebank said about himself. He died ignominiously, went to hospital crying for help from devotees, and was dispatched by his minders by taking him off life support.

    I was leader of the Sathya Sai Org. in Norway for 18 years and travelled a lot to attend conferences. I found that the whole business was corrupted by the top leaders. I have a lifetime of very wide experience behind me, and lived from teaching philosophy and sociology. So I never was narrow-minded. Instead I am so open to learn anew that I learned all about the crimes and massive deceits and breaks of faith by Sai Baba… many people came to me who had been abused, also sexually, and financially… I was told try truth about Sai Baba – especially how the 1993 murders were arranged -by my close friend, the once famous journalist V.K. Narasimhan, who published about 25 of my articles in Sanathana Sarathi. I also wrote a book ‘Source of the Dream’ – blessed by Sai Baba (just so you know) which shows you how ‘open-minded’ I was then! But I went far beyond that too, as I discovered what was wrong about it all.

    I suggest instead that you take a long good look at your own ‘criticising ego’ (followers should not behave like that, you should know – but this does not apply to me, I can lead a sane and normal life!) Learn to see what really was behind this bogus avatar! No one can read my website and retain any faith in him… just try! As to the rubbish about ‘ego’ is is puerile nonsense. An ego is a necessary function of every living person, but it is egotism and egomania – which Sai Baba excelled at – that is the problem! I note that you do not dare to give your name or be identified… is it not cowardly? This is what nearly all devotees who attack me do… like children who knock on doors and run away before it opens. I do not trust that you wish me the very best – that is just the typical hypocrisy of so many Sai Baba people, to speak nicely to everyone (even when abusing them verbally).

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