Sathya Sai Baba Deceptions Exposed

Exposing major deceits by guru Sathya Sai Baba in India, incl. murders cover-up & widely alleged sexual abuse

Sathya Sai Baba anniversary of death April 24, 2011

Posted by robertpriddy on April 23, 2015

Ironically, doctors reported well before he died, that Sai Baba was not conscious – and, all his other vital organs having long ceased to function,  was most probably brain-dead. One can ask: what kind of ‘omnipotent’ being dies after being disconnected from his life support and breathing machine (while his heart-beat, breathing and circulation etc. could most likely have been artificially continued as before even then)? His predictions of  four fully documented different dates of his death, all around 10 years in error?  So much for his self-proclaimed ‘omniscience’. Amusingly, I was the only person to predict in public his death on Easter Sunday, which I did the day before, even though it is almost certain that he died much earlier than it was announced and the fact was covered up – see Sathya Sai Baba to be ‘resurrected’ on Easter Day? Knowing the state of major preparations for the funeral and the constant mendacity of his doctors and top VIPs, I figured they would disconnect him from his ‘life support system’ and fix his death date as Easter Day so as falsely to identify him with Jesus!

Long since assured that the world would never accept him as God Almighty (as he repeatedly claimed), especially not after he was revealed as a secretive hoarder of countless valuables, gold and currency under his 3X3 meter bed etc., even down to old biscuits and dried fruit etc. In fact, he had only given even his most privileged devotees false gemstones which he claimed were diamonds! All the significant facts of his tremendous weight loss (down to 30 kg), his illness and death – were very assiduously suppressed, and no devotee has asked for them to be brought forth!  (They would not wish to know if his illness was indeed the result of AIDS, of which it showed many tell-tale symptoms See Sathya Sai Baba’s death – no miracles). His (cover-up) death certificate was not a legal document, stating he died of ‘heart failure’ (see The Case of The Missing Death Certificate).

On Guru Poornina at Prashanthi Nilayam a few months later, on July 16th,  the tomb (so-called mahasamadhi) of Sathya Sai Baba was unveiled. ‘Maha-samadhi’ refers to a condition of imagined super-conscious eternal bliss etc. (the mainstay of all Indian guru’s confused beliefs or deceptions through the ages). One of his heart surgeons later urinated on his tomb (see here), a telling incident however one looks on it.

From his childhood onwards,  Sathya Sai Baba lived cocooned within a Hindu fantasy world of gods (devas) and demons (rakshakas), in the belief in a return to the primitive past of India’s supposed ‘divine avatars’, when it was in fact ruled mostly by despotic god-kings with parasitical priesthoods and an ancient iron age and male dominant culture devoid of anything like science, democracy, social care, or human values, such as we enjoy in advanced societies today.

See: Sathya Sai Baba news sensation – may have died earlier (the order for his ’embalming’ coffin which was placed 20 days before his funeral!)

The clique around Sai Baba – while he was in hospital – were actually seriously considering burying him ALIVE (so-called ‘sanjeev samadhi’ – another totally deranged Hindu invention) and made this public too! See

Comment from Christ Dokter: “Right you are, Robert. The premature demise of Sai Baba was circumspect in every possible way, and hardly the stuff avataric tale is made of, as I stated in my blog. The manner of death as officially portrayed is a poignant example of how the Sathya Sai Baba Organization stretched their hold on press and devotees so as to overlook pertinent information, all done in order to keep on letting the sheeplike followers believing in the godlike stature of what turned out to be a mere mortal: no conscious, predetermined shedding of the mortal coil here. Rather the reverse, like you say: weeks of comatose existence, on life support, or, even likelier, dead and ready to be buried days or weeks before the ordained date.”

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Sai Baba materialises a diamond ring & drops vibuti pellet (photos)

Posted by robertpriddy on July 29, 2014

BabaringThe scan of part of a photo sold in Puttaparthi shows what seems to be Sai Baba materialising ‘from thin air’ a diamond in a gold setting. The object is not detached from the hand, though, and the ring could easily be held in the crook of the thumb. This is therefore no proof of materialization. It is said that ‘seeing is believing’ but, especially in this kind of ‘incredible’ case belief usually precedes seeing… one sees what one already believes, or wishes to see and believe:-


Those who believed this photo to be proof of his ability to manifest objects were invariably already devoted to Sai Baba. Those who even got as far as an interview so as to be able to watch at all closely such ‘materialisations’ have already gone through a long process of preparation to believe it must be genuine. They will always have read incredible stories in emotional hagiographic books praising Sai Baba, seen propaganda videos and films, met people who claim to have witnessed miracles of all kinds. They will also already have learned that those who express scepticism or question claims are soon excluded from the groups that gather around Sai Baba, and are not welcome in his organisation meetings (even if not also banned outright from attending them or visiting the ashrams).

The entire business of taking objects out of thin air is, according to Sai Baba, was to help convince those who see it that he was above and beyond all worldly limitations. He attached a mystical symbolism to this act when giving what he pretended are diamond rings (see scanned quotation on left). Yet he was sometimes asked to produce large objects (on one occasion a pumpkin). This he did not do and never did. The largest objects he allegedly ‘materialised’ were statuettes of Krishna and the like taken by him out of deep sand when he took selected groups out to picnics. However, the places chosen – apparently by chance – were almost certainly pre-arranged by his closest servitor Colonel Joga Rao, who served as his ashram planner and engineer.

Residents of the ashram knew that Joga Rao did NOT believe in any miraculous powers, but justified his work with Sai Baba because he felt it led to improvements in the lot of the poor people of Andhra Pradesh, providing money for school, health care etc. This fact was never publicized or written about, but I was told this by the famous journalist, later Sai Baba’s editor V.K. Narasimhan, who spoke very freely to me in private on many occasions. When he told me that I could not believe my ears, but he told me a lot about Joga Rao (a man whose filthy jokes he hated but had to endure when Sai Baba allocated them a room in which both must stay while travelling with him). This was confirmed to me again when a Norwegian who was in a group planning an eco waste system for Prashanthi ashram which asked Rao whether they should not consult Baba on some issues. They got the comment: “What does Sai Baba know about it?” So Colonel Joga Rao, who for years walked behind Sai Baba at his darsans and held his hanky for Baba to wipe his hand on and regularly took over the pile of letters he collected, was passing vibuti balls to him the while, convinced that it was for the best all in all!

Numerous testimonies that Baba dropped vibuthi pellets in front of former devotees, and also that he had, in the private interview room, a vibuthi pellet ‘machine’ which compressed the powder with water. Previous photographic or video evidence of pellets (between his fingers etc.) were sparse and not so clear. The video which has emerged on YouTube removes all possible doubt that he crushed pre-prepared pellets and did not materialise those. See two still captures of the dropped pellet:-

To view a short clip with the important footage of the above, go to It looks as thought, having dropped the vibuti pellet, Baba quickly drops letters as well so a lady picks it all up (seems to be aware of the situation). Baba looks worried and then tried to avert people’s attention. Sathya Sai Baba drops Vibuti Pellet at darshan. Baba drops the pellet and its fall is very clearly visible. This occurs at 1.03 secs. into the video at

See also and The miracle guru Sai Baba exposed – article in Swedish journal (Sökaren)
and Professor Haraldsson’s flawed scrutiny of Sathya Sai Baba
Sathya Sai Baba ‘materialization’ fraudulence transparent on videos
Sai Baba gave false gold watches: video testimony of an intimate
An account of false Sai Baba miracles in early days
Materialization of vibuti, lingams, laddu sweets… now easy to learn!

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Posted by robertpriddy on April 22, 2013

sbdeadSathya Sai Baba died after multiple organ failures, aged 84 (being in his 85th year). On this 2nd anniversary (so-called 2nd samadhi) I summarise some of the deceptions surrounding his illness, death and the aftermath. The BBC announced his death, but added that he was accused of fraudulent miracle tricks and sexual abuses (which he of course denied). This is an epitaph that will always follow him and, as researchers and historians collect and study the evidence, the accusations and the reason Sai Baba avoided prosecution will become evident and a permanent part of his otherwise largely bogus ‘story’.

His own demise was wrongly predicted by him, he did not live into his 90s as he prophesied on numerous occasions (stating several different ages at different times too!). This event confounded all the devotees who blindly believed his words and in his divinity.

How did Sai Baba actually die? The medical report states cardio-respiratory failure. Now that is very vague medical terminology, but what caused this breathing and heart failure? This happens if one is taken off vital life support. So was he kept until he could be pushed? However, the date fitted in extremely and suspiciously well with all the massive planning of the authorities for a big screen send-off, new helicopter pads for VIPs all preparing to descend on the actual death day which was yet unannounced! As I actually predicted in my blog on April 13th (day before his announced death), his death would most likely be announced on the day that it is widely believed (imaginatively) that Jesus was resurrected – Easter Sunday. Those in power around him most likely kept him on life support – despite earlier brain death – so they could disconnect him on just that day for obvious symbolic reasons, to identify him with Jesus!

A legally invalid ‘death certificate’ was issued by Dr. Safaya here (The Case of the Missing Death Certificate)  after which A Dr. Safaya resigned his post due referring to undue pressures that had been put upon him! In fact, failure of the heart and respiration are not a sufficient or legally valid description of the cause of death. When anyone dies, both the heart and the breathing fail. That Sai Baba had lost weight (reportedly was only 28 lbs.) and suffered multiple organ failures is consistent with what most of his victims suspect, that he died of AIDS, hence the mighty cover-up of all details of his hospitalization, duration and nature of his illness and what a proper account would reveal. A major counter-claim to the information from the Trust and its members was bravely made by a former Minister (Nagireddy) stating that Sai Baba had been badly maltreated, drugged, starved and had cried for help from devotees when he was being ‘taken away’ to his own hospital by his murky ‘minders’ and ‘servitors’. See Sai officials’ secret collusion over the death of Sathya Sai Baba

One of my correspondents mailed me this perceptive comment: Now after his death the inner circle will do all their best to protect his image of an avatar or at least a saint as it is a vital factor for the future donations and pilgrims attraction. On the other hand, it is a good point for journalists and historians to focus on SSB as he was with all his stuff. This is an opportunity for critical voices to be heard.
There is much that many people know but dared not speak about in public; the murders ordered by Sai Baba according to an eye-witness to the grisly night of carnage, the countless sexual abuses of students known through our contacts but of which only a relative handful have dared write about and then mostly anonymously (due to murder fears, harassment of many kinds etc. As time goes by, more and more evidence and testimony comes forth… and sexually abused Indian students can be expected largely to take at least a generation before they can come to terms with their being violated enough to speak out. The Hare Krishna and massive Catholic Church sex scandals – to take just two examples – illustrated many such time lapses. In India, the pressure of shame is still on against almost all sex abuse whistle blowers (but not if the accused are foreigners).

SB-on-96yearsHilarious damage-limitation attempts: What we may call the ‘lunar delusion’ was soon invented to try to explain away (only one of) Sai Baba’s several different false predictions of his age at death. The Sathya Sai Organization – both centrally and in various countries – claim that he calculated his life span in lunar years, not solar (calendar) years. They juggle with various figures and lunar month lengths and try to get his age up to over 90, but none of the calculations agree with their assumption of lunar years. That he gave various conflicting predictions of his death from around 92 to over 96 is, of course, ignored by them. Sai Baba said in a published discourse in 1960 he would live for 59 more years and again in 1961 he would live for 58 more years. Do the arithmetic and see that even lunar years will not rebut his alleged 2011 death date prediction!

At we read:-
When a new moon occurs before sunrise on a day, that day is said to be the first day of the lunar month. So it is evident that the end of the lunar month will coincide with a new moon. A lunar month has 29 or 30 days (according to the movement of the moon).

By definition, a year is the time it takes for the earth to circumnambulate the sun, not for the moon to do likewise (it simply follows the earth around). A “lunar year” is a mere contrivance, firstly because ‘a year’ means the solar cycle of 365 days, which is greater than the number of days it takes for the moon to encircle the earth in on calendar year. So it makes no sense whatever to divide by 12 the total number of ‘lunar’ months in a life time, (as the shastris do) so as to try to ‘prove’ a different number of ‘years’. The hard fact that Sathya Sai Baba lived for only solar/calendar 84 years, and that he always reckoned in calendar years in every documented word (despite desperate posthumous claims that he told other things in private).

The ‘lunar year’ is a most uncommon measure never used in any Sai literature at all… not until after his death. The concept a non-starter The calculations the Hindu shastris presented do not agree with the actual dates anyhow with their own obscure calculations based on their ancient calendars and outdated astrological ideas. See a more detailed analysis of the lunar year confusion
In The Telegraph U.K. ‘Sathya Sai Baba’s death triggers fight for his £5.5 billion empire’ the journalist who interviewed us noted the following:-

… former devotee Barry Pittard said Sai Baba was a dangerous confidence trickster who should (not) (ed. correction) have been allowed to have anything to do with children.“For the worst victims of his depredations, the victims of murder and maiming and people being beaten by his officers and families being broken up and the boys, some of them very young, their sufferings have been very great.”And former Sai organisation teacher Robert Priddy, who helped set up the teacher training model, said most people teaching the programme were unqualified to do so.“The aim of embedding ‘spiritual’ values in children was heavily imprinted with indoctrinating them to believe in Sai Baba’s divinity and doctrine,” he warned.


Death in ignominy despite enormous medical resources used Sathya Sai Baba was a broken man by the time they took him away to his own super-specialty hospital while he cried out to devotees to help him! Of course he was unable to cure himself, as most devotees fully expected! This time it was all too real an illness, not a play-act from which he could appear to cure himself! At his previous birthday (the 85th by Indian reckoning when he was 84 years old) he was like a wooden idol, expressionless and mostly completely silent and rigid. He broke down in tears when a speaker called him ‘Sri, Sri, Sri Sathya Sai’! (see video clip download 3.9 mbs or to download quicktime movie shortened clip 9Mbs click here) He proved that he could not live up to his own ideal. He died without the having had the ability to speak at all for weeks, let alone laugh… so believers in him should judge him by his end according to his own words in the quotation scanned here:-

The resurrection that did not happen but is still expected! However, he has died and no resurrection is reported! Still, one should not be surprised if some fantasy peddlers claim to have seen him risen and in the flesh… there are plenty of lunatics among the indoctrinated and deluded believers in his self-proclaimed divinity and even his most bizarre and beyond all credibility miracles!

Take the story that The Times of India put out as an example of ‘fringe lunacy’! How could a major newspaper spread such preposterous rumours (under the cover of ‘reporting’) as “Baba said he would return stronger”? Answer: because it pulls in a mass of desperately hoping devotee readers and sells the paper very well. It may be also partly due to the shadow of Justice Bhagwati – a corrupt Supreme Court ex-judge who is involved with the Times of India and has for decades been a Sai Baba official too Here is the Times of India’s report:-

PUTTAPARTHI: Did Sathya Sai Baba have premonition 10 years ago that he would fall seriously ill? Yes, claim his followers. According to them, Sai Baba had predicted in 2000 that he would be indisposed for 40 days but would come back strong to give darshan to his devotees. This was revealed in a book ‘Tapovanam — Bhagawan Sri Sathya Saibaba Satcharitra Nityaparaya-nam’ in which the author Jandhyala Venkateswara Sastry has written an essay on Baba’s ill-health. Sai Baba had told his students at his Sai Shruti ashram in Kodaikanal in 2000: ”Though most of my disciples fall at my feet, they don’t know my real value. A time would come when I would vanish and take a walk across the skies. During that phase, my body would face serious health problems and devotees would be desperately praying for my recovery.” Devotees in total denial are many, and a book is even published (Sai Kingdom Come) arguing that Sai Baba will return.

See a documented chronicle of events with press reports etc. from Sai Baba’s hospitalization until funeral and its aftermath. 
See also  ‘Holy Man or Hoax?’

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The Golden Age – Sai Baba’s promise to Connie Shaw discredited

Posted by robertpriddy on June 3, 2011

connie-shawSathya Sai Baba made predictions in private interview situations, knowing that they would spread like wildfire as uncontrollable rumours. Then, when the predictions failed, which they invariably did, there was no documentary proof that he made them, and devotees dared not confront him or what he said in any way. The same with many of the leelas and miracles, they are very important to the Sai Baba legend and are mixed up with disinformation, a clever technique at which Sathya Sai Baba was adept and he used his unwitting collaborators to propagate.

In 2002, a long-term devotee who was on her 31st visit to see Sathya Sai Baba, had a private interview (in the rear room) which she reported on the Internet. The web page has since been removed for obvious reasons, but a scan of the page is reproduced here (CLICK ON small scan on right to enlarge):-

CLICK ON IMAGE TO ZOOM INNow that 2008 has long passed by and international war continues in Afghanistan and a civil war backed by NATO in Libya took place. The so-called ‘war on terror’ is also being actively pursued and the US Congress is to pass a law defining cyber attacks as war, giving the right to respond militarily. A horrendous war raged in Syria from 2011, and has spread to Iraq where ISIS is warring against the Kurds and Shities. Outright war also occurred in Russia’s invasion of Georgia in South Ossetia, which Russia now occupies, and Russia provoked civil war in Ukraine and annexed the Crimea by force. There have been several major civil wars in recent times, such as in Dafur, Indonesia, in the Congo area and in diverse other minor war conflicts in African states. 

As to the Golden Age and transformation of human consciousness etc, it was heralded for decades by Sathya Sai Baba but, when failing to occur, was repeatedly promised at a new and later date. In 2012 it was further postponed until to the much promoted ‘advent of Prema Sai’ as a third reincarnation of Sai Baba in Southern India, whenever that is supposed to take place.  Another example of this kind of Sai Baba prediction:- The VIP devotees, Rita and Robert Bruce, were told by him about practically instant transformation of people’s consciousness after his 80th anniversary. But that anniversary was celebrated in 2006!  What kind of transformation is that? (see The Golden Age of Sai Baba)

Disinformation: “—  involves the deliberate, calculated dissemination of equivocal data, partially true, partially erroneous, in order to conceal something, to deflect attention in one or another peripheral or tangential direction. But the best lies are always embellishments or variations of the truth, not total fabrications. The most effective disinformation is always structured around a core of validity.” (from The Messianic Legacy by Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln London 1968)

Sathya Sai Baba claimed he was (and always is) the Director behind the scenes of all that happens on the world stage. This therefore necessarily includes events that are inexplicably evil and abominable, which he simply wrote off as all part of his ‘maya’ (i.e deceptive appearances), and ‘his Divine sport’ (i.e. leela). The Holocaust was but one relatively mild good example. This level of disinformation surely surpasses anything the biggest propaganda agencies of the last century have produced. It would be amazingly inexplicable that about 7 Indian Prime Ministers and 5 Presidents have endorsed this charlatan Godhead, were it not for the obvious fact that they have been under his influence long themselves and saw him as as important for their electorate in Andhra Pradesh and subsequently other Indian states. Not least, he was the biggest foreign currency earner in India for decades. That the Sathya Sai Central Trust was granted total freedom from customs and excise duties and taxation – and even after his ignominious death can conceal most of its accounts and transactions and remain largely unaccountable for anything, made it an Eldorado for money launderers and corrupt politicians, though its secrecy is so tight that this cannot be proven or even investigated! Note that the importance for the Indian economy of payments to the funds of gurus with followings outside the country has been essential, and has been a main source of foreign earnings.

There are any number of prophecies by Sathya Sai Baba which signally failed to come about – a list of links for those not acquainted with these gives the documentation and proofs in each case:-

Sathya Sai Baba failed prophesy as the ‘great saviour of mankind’  – eg. Sai Baba being ‘king of the whole world’ from AD 2000, Muslims recognizing him 9 years before his passing, and the whole world visiting Prashanthi Nilayam.
Sathya Sai Baba prophecies on his own death date – wrongly
Sathya Sai Baba as world saviour Well-known proclamations by Sathya Sai Baba are quoted on how he intends to save the planet and humanity… as well as some of his more incredible prophecies which have so far not come to pass.
Prophecies about Sathya Sai Baba in the Suka Nadi etc. Each prophecy is considered for its likelihood of having been made and its validity
Bogus Prophecies about Sathya Sai Baba
Sai Baba soon to fly unaided in the sky?
Sathya Sai prophesied as ‘king of the world’ from 2000
Sai Baba prophesies he will lift “a whole range of mountains“!
Sai Baba prophesies – Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus
Prophesies about Sai-Avatar
Bogus Persian prophetic texts, and Nostradamus’ prophecies
The Pope to preach Sai Baba’s message?

You can see a selected list of prominent signers of the Sai Petition here.

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Sai Baba: his life is his message

Posted by robertpriddy on October 20, 2009

What message do we get from the life of Sathya Sai Baba? From studying his actual person while alive – not just his many flowery words – one of the main things that some cite in favor of Sathya Sai Baba is his “teachings”.  However, independent and objective non-followers (including many devotees I knew) have found the following to apply to him:-

He was often very self-contradictory in word and action

He demonstrated ignorance on many facts about scientific, historical, religious and other subjects

His teachings were eclectic, borrowing for most Hindu traditions, some Christian, Buddhist.. and much traditional Indian superstition

He provided a ‘pick and mix’ menu of advice and commandments for aspirants, clashing with much of modern human science and human rights

He often ignored what people asked him by irrelevant answers or other reactions 

He mostly spoke in vague, sweepingly general, impractical and exaggerated ways about things

He was highly condemnatory of many groups, professions (eg. scientists, doctors, parents, politicians, youth, children, and most of his devotees)

He was controlling, imperious, and frequently belittling of devotees and rude when he so chose

He set an autocratic, dictatorial example of leadership (towards most of his staff and office-bearers)

He would never tolerate the slightest hint of criticism of any kind whatever from anyone

Basooning his claimed self-sacrifice, he enjoyed a life that for Indians is sheer luxury (cars, houses, all services, no labour at all etc.)

He constantly claimed as ‘his’ achievements all the work of others who supported him

He very often made promises to followers which he never kept and predictions which events proved false (one big example)

He constantly borrowed and recycled the teachings of others without mentioning them

He praised those who promoted him vigorously and worshipped him ostentatiously in public

He boasted repeatedly of being world famous, that the whole world would come to him and ‘Everyone loves me

He did not follow his own teachings on many matters: by criticising others (in discourses, interviews), by not being chaste and acting on sexual desires, and by condoning executions

See more: My Life is My Message & Sai Baba (the slogan stolen from it’s originator, Gandhi)

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Sai Baba’s miraculous omnipresence?

Posted by robertpriddy on July 4, 2008

Under the title “How is believing in miracles helpful in one’s spiritual growth? A Sai Baba devotee, Anjali Gadiraju, wrote how amazed he was at what he took as a proof of Sai Baba’s miraculous omnipresence, as follows:-

“I will tell you personal incident. I came from the hot state of Andhara Pradesh. As Bangalore is very cold, I soon developed sinus problem. I took a water heater and went for my bath.

I was about to take my bath, when there was sudden power cut. The power went off and the water was not ready for my bath. So I causally washed my face and went for darshan.

>I sat in the darshan, Slowly, came the gentlle figure, the short with broad smile, holdin his robe with one, and weaving the hand in circles with the other. He stood in front of me looked into the empty space and waved both hands, saying, “There are some who come for darshan without having bath.”

I, WAS WONDER STRUCK. I WAS TAKEN BACK, AND SAID,”How so you know?” He replied, “Where am I? I am in your bed room and I AM in your bath room. I am everywhere “

Anjali Gadiraju did not consider that Sathya Sai Baba would know of the power cut, since it affects hiom too when the Brindavan ashram’s electrical system breaks down. So simple.

“Then I, ran to my room and took a double bath. I returned and sat on the verandah. Baba came suddenly after bhajans. He came straight to me and said, “A normal bath is enough, don’t worry. The omnipotence and omnipresence are qualities of divinity to let us know that the Avatar is not less than the divine personaliy.”

On this basis, the wonder-struck simpleton decides that Sathya Sai Baba is omnipotent and omnipresent.

Firstly, why could not the ‘omnipotent’ Sai Baba fix the electricity? Answer: because he is too busy saving the entire world and humanity? Secondly, there are various ways in which Sathya Sai Baba could know that Gadiraju could have taken a bath. Firstly, it was to be expected after he had chided about it earlier. Simple explanation. As to a ‘double bath’, that is a matter of definition. Sathya Sai Baba is an expert at so-called ‘cold reading’ and could easily pick up that this devotee thought the bath had been a very thorough one (Gadiraju’s account can be seen at (

Cold reading is amazing to people who do not know about it. The young illusionist Derren Brown is famous throughout UK (and increasingly in the rest of the world) because of his feats of cold reading (plus suggestion, misdirection, magic and psychology). He is able to tell intimate details about people he has never met and within a matter of seconds – and has demonstrated this countless times under the TV cameras (and there is no fraud involved at all, as interviews with his staff, his subjects and himself and those ‘behind the scenes’ proves conclusively).

Derren Brown of UK – videos on YouTube – there are many more on his DVDs and of a very wide variety of what seem to be ‘psychic powers’ but which he explains are not that at all. He is a sceptic as to the spiritual powers, but demonstrates what people believe to be such powers like ‘omniscience’ etc.. This is basic learning and sensible re-programming for all followers of gurus and avatars! He uses neuro-linguistic programming and many other techniques which he partly (but not entirely) explains to everyone. He shows the huge extent to which minds can be instantly manipulated by one who knows how.

Derren Brown strongly influences mind and physiology of random persons in a minute

Derren Brown wins over 9 top chess players simultaneously

Derren Brown extraordinary mind control demonstration

Derren Brown amazing power of suggestion surpasses martial arts master

The famous ‘zombie’ demonstration – a ‘must see’

Derren Brown easily transfers thoughts

How does Derren Brown manage this? Interview

Stephen Fry on Derren Brown’s amazing illusionism

Aristocrats transparent to Derren Brown

Derren Brown guesses exact sums of pocket money correctly

Derren Brown terrifies a Ghost train operator on his own trainride

Daylight robbery by illusion in New York

Subconscious influencing by Derren Brown

Amazing demonstration of perfect rapport

All strength lost through suggestion

Poor self-confidence and colour vision transformed by Derren Brown’s persuasion

Derren Brown gives two girls daylight hallucinations

See an overview of Derren Brown videos on-line at this URL

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The Dark Side of very prominent Hindu gurus

Posted by robertpriddy on May 24, 2008

While there are still Indian swamis and religious spiritual preachers and teachers who are not accused or convicted of crimes, those who have been caught out in nefarious activities are many. As soon as followings grow large, they attract people who are looking for advantages – both supposedly spiritual ones, but also not least financial and social gains. Organization becomes a necessity and, led by a charismatic figurehead whose word is taken as unquestionable divine truth, those who become part of their fiefdoms willingly carry out his or her orders, for which they are rewarded. This scenario is one chief way in which a guru cult begins. This is by no means only an Indian phenomenon, of course, as there are also some very well-known major cults in U.S.A., Italy, South Korea… and, of course, many sexually abusing priests in Christian churches and sects, and there have been many revelations concerning the Catholic Church in many countries, which has had to face vast sums in payouts following lawsuits.  A retired banker in Bangalore named Ravi Ghatge told Indian media: “Most god-men [gurus] are self-proclaimed, and they are being increasingly outed as hypocrites and fakes. Then everybody finds out that there is not an iota of spirituality in any of them.”

Religious gurus are among the big money-earners in India, so it is hardly surprising that these cults are able to buy police and yet higher protection. Despite this, in an increasing number of instances, so-called “spiritual” gurus have been successfully prosecuted by Indian authorities for crimes ranging from sexual abuse to cynical murder. India, being such a religious cauldron seems to have the lions’ share. Indian gurus either convicted or widely accused of crimes, including major fraud, include:-

1) Sathya Sai Baba (deceased 2011) is most likely the most influential guru in India and abroad – self-proclaimed God Sai Baba in 2008Incarnate, Deity of Deities, the Vishnu Avatar of the Age etc. – who has obtained protection from attempts to convict him for murder complicity ( and serial sex abuse ( by his devotees among Indian Prime Ministers, Presidents and Supreme or High Court judges. This is itself an indictment of the Indian State’s ongoing corruption – a kind of protection that typifies a de facto despotism (though possible only while in office) rather than the exercise of democratic and legal principles. Of course, his fraudulent ‘materializations’ and many false statements and predictions are also very well documented or reported by disaffected followers.

2) The well-known ‘all singing all dancing’ Indian-based Hare Krishna sect (ISKCON) has had many and major convictions against them in the USA. See here, and here

3) Indicted for many felonies, but not convicted, was Rajneesh-Osho (who fled the USA with over 100 indictments against him). A most thorough critical article is by Kevin R-D- Shepherd here sums up the movement.  See other documentation here.

4) Swami Premananda (deceased)- convicted for murder and 13 rapes – double life sentence. The case went right to the Supreme Court of India, which confirmed the conviction, based on DNA evidence. See also Deccan Herald April 5 and April 6, 2005. Premananda’s alleged vibuthi materializations were investigated for fraud by Erlendur Haraldsson and Richard Wiseman See larger photo no. (No. 42) here– and read their most critical report (1995) Investigating Macro-PK in India: Swami Premananda. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 60(839) 193-202t

5) Swami Rama (Deceased – Author of ‘Living Among the Himalayan Masters’) who escaped likely conviction for sexual abuses by dying before the case could be concluded. See evidence here. Also here

6) Gayatri Swami, whose influence in South India was very considerable was thoroughly exposed by Gytri Swami (Gayatri Swami) Professor Erlendur Haraldsson and Richard Wiseman. He was found to be pretending to materialize objects within fruits, but had a silk thread attached to them! Likewise, his ‘materialization’ of right-handed conches (extremely rare in India as ‘Sri Lakshmi conches’) the ‘left-handed type’ are the only indigenous sort), Haraldsson traced his imports of them from California, where they are indigenous! (See larger photo here photo no. 17). Erlendur Haraldsson & Joop M. Houtkooper (1994). Report of an Indian swami claiming to materialize objects: The value and limitations of field observations. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 8(3), 381-397. (Full text).

7) Gowrishankara Swami; Hindu monk gets 10 years RI for sodomy.’‘The Hindu’ Bangalore, Feb. 3 2004 (PTI): “The Karnataka High Court today sentenced a Hindu monk to 10 years’ rigorous imprisonment and awarded a fine of Rs 25 lakhs after holding him guilty of sodomy. In default of payment of fine, the court sentenced the Gowrishankara Swami, the previous junior pontiff of Sri Siddaganga Mutt at Kyatasandra in Tumkur District, to undergo rigorous imprisonment for a further period of one year.” The Hindu March 26, 2008, also reported: “Allowing an appeal from the swami against the High Court judgment, a Bench of Justice S.B. Sinha and Justice H.S. Bedi directed that he be set free.In the case, the FIR was filed on August 29, 1986, though the incident was alleged to have taken place in July 1986. The trial court recorded a judgment of acquittal. On an appeal from the State, the HC reversed the judgment of acquittal and held him guilty.”

Swami Shyam of Kulu

Swami Shyam of Kulu

8) Swami Shyam , a current ‘advaita’ guru, popular with Westerners (particularily Canadians and Northern Europeans), many of whom have bought expensive residences at Kullu in the Himalayas, where he has his ashram. He considers himself a reincarnation of Krishna! He is under attack for seducing the wives of his followers. He has recently been exposed by Canada’s Globe and Mail newspaper here. Another exposé source is found here. A book has recently been published which exposes him – Himalayan Hoedown. Also see a web site exposing him called ‘Shyam -shadows

9) Swami Amritachaitanya  A spiritual guru known as “Swami Amritachaitanya” held in Kerla for charges of rape, fraud, possession of narcotic drugs . Swami Amritachaitanya, whose real name is Santosh Madhavan, was arrested by Interpol on criminal charges in a police raid at his 16-suite ashram in Kochi, India following multiple police complaints against him. Indians living in Bahrain came forward and filed a case against Madhavan in India on allegations of fraudulent practices related to his supposed charity activities. Twenty Indians living in Bahrain filed a case against 35-year old Madhavan. They claim they were victims of a scam after Madhavan convinced them to invest in a charitable organization and tourist resort, but allegedly kept the money for himself. Madhavan arrived in Bahrain in 2005.

10) The Palghat (of Kerala) born Bala Sai Baba (the child Sai Baba), who at 35 years of age is a bit overgrown for his name. He claims to be the real Sai avatar, set up an ashram in Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh and purposely copies Satya Sai Baba trait for trait in amazing detail. A clearly fraudulent attempt to hi-jack the Sathya Sai Baba ‘phenomenon’. He is the most ‘lookalike’ of a series of imitators of Sathya Sai Baba,a few of whom can be seen here.

11) Swami Balyogi Premvarni. (‘Yogant Foundation’) of Rishikesk, where he has an ashram. He also has Bala yogi Premvarnivarious branches abroad. He has been exposed as a serial womaniser, especially convincingly in Mary Garden’s book ‘The Serpent Rising’ which she bases on her experiences in India in the 1970s. See the book here. And read a review by David Mainwaring here

12) Swami Nithyananda The scandal of his sexual activities broke early in 2010 with a video of him and a well-known actress (he originally claimed to be celibate!), later documents came to light showing how tantrik sexual perversions were practiced and partakers were sworn to secrecy by signatures. An overview can be obtained here: Swami Nityananda chargesheet: rape and unnatural sex In April 2012 he was appointed 293rd head of Madurai Adheenam. In October 2012 removed as head. See “Condoms, drugs and secret contracts… the story of why Nithyananda is in trouble”. India Today. 2012-06-13. Further, see  “TN Police Books Nityananda For ‘Serving Drug-laced Holy Water to Devotees”. International Business Times. 23 June 2012.

Cutting from Indian newspaper

Cutting from Indian newspaper

13) Swami Rameshwaranand Giriji Maharaj – who has a large following in India and abroad – was arrested in September ’95 as a party to the murder of his lover’s husband. The 26-year old Manoj Girothra, husband of Savita, who was having an affair with the ‘godman’, was murdered on December 3rd, 1994, some two months after his marriage. Two professional hitmen had been hired by the ‘godman’.

14) Bhagavan Kalki See Severe Problems with ” Deeksha Oneness Movement also note what dissident voices have to say:- I’m not going to beat around the bush. Kalki is saying that he wants everything disbanded because he doesn’t want it to become a cult. Well, it is a cult. He’s saying he’s an avatar, I am God, and I’m going to decide when you pray, if you get the job you’re praying for or not. So if somebody … is saying that I am God, that’s delusion. There is only God, equally everywhere. Just because there’s realisation doesn’t mean there’s more god, or that the persona has changed into a go. You know, one doesn’t become a god.” transcript of part of Kalki fraud exposed and Exposed on Indian TV here

15) Kripalu Maharaj – 88 years old –  It is reported that There are thousands of people who are trapped in his ashrams from around the world living a life of horrible mental abuse in his ashram under disguise to serve him as god. A CBI inquiry has been demanded because ca. 170 bodies are untraceable.The guru himself has absconded. He had faced charges of indecent assault and rape in 1997 in Nagpur. Millions of dollars of money was taken from people in America. See the strong article Hindus Speak out against Kripalu Maharaj. See Another godman mired in controversy – Hindustan Times He passed away on November 15, 2013.

16) Sri Sri Ravichandran, dressed like Jesus, has amassed immense wealth. His field of operation is in the West. He knows that wealthy westerners are depressed and he promises mental happiness by introducing a course called, “The Art of Living.’ As a matter of fact this title, ‘The Art of Living,’ was plagiarized from the project originally started by Norman Vincent Peale. Peale started a radio program, “The Art of Living,” in 1935, which lasted for 54 years. (See comment to this blog)

17Prakashanand Saraswati led one of the top Hindu temples in the United States until a jury convicted him of molesting children and he took off for Mexico, reports Ben Crair of ‘The Daily Beast’ (June 20, 2011). He led the premier Hindu temple in Texas and, perhaps, the whole United States. Barsana Dham sat like the Taj Mahal in the hillsides south of Austin. When PBS made its 2004 Many Voices documentary project about American congregations, producers chose Barsana Dham as their exemplar of the Hindu faith. Barsana Dham was “very much an ecumenical mainstream Hindu organization,” says Robert King, a former professor of Asian studies and dean at the University of Texas. And yet there was Saraswati, ordered to trade in the saffron robes for an orange jumpsuit. The charges were serious—20 counts of indecency with a child. See also San Marcos Mercury uses public records law to get $ details of bond deal for Hindu guru/convicted child molester

18) Swamiji Maharaj of Dwarka, Gujurat rapist and criminal … see scan on rightswamji-maharaj

19) Asaram Bapu has many reported dark sides and has a strong claim to be India’s worst male chauvinist guru (See Times of India). He stands charged for sexual assault  and has a history of illegal and entirely unspiritual actions and involvements. He stated at a rally in 2013 that the gang-raped and murdered young lady on a Delhi bus, Nirbhaya, was equally to blame for the rape and added, “Mistake is never from one side alone.” Considering the utterly horrendous treatment she received, this put him among the very worst of ignorant and unscrupulous male chauvinist gurus alive. He was on January 10, 2014 charged by the police with sexual assault, illegal confinement and criminal conspiracy, and his son Narayan Sai was charged with sexual assault.

20) Sri Sri Ravichandran, dressed like Jesus, has amassed immense wealth. His field of operation is in the West. He knows that wealthy westerners are depressed and he promises mental happiness by introducing a course called, “The Art of Living.’ As a matter of fact this title, ‘The Art of Living,’ was plagiarized from the project originally started by Norman Vincent Peale. Peale started a radio program, “The Art of Living,” in 1935, which lasted for 54 years. (See comment to this blog)

21) Sant Rampal (Satguru Rampal Ji Mahara)
Hindustan Times (July 23, 2015) reports: Amidst heavy police deployment, controversial sect leader Rampal Dass was produced in the court of additional sessions judge Ashwani Kumar Goel in a murder case registered against him in 2006 on Thursday. Rampal was arrested again after a clash between the police and his supporters in November last year and he was booked in 35 new cases, including murder, rioting and illegal confinement.
Rampal claims to be an incarnation of the 15th-century mystic poet Kabir.   He rose from being a junior engineer at the Haryana irrigation department in 2000, but was sacked. Since then he accumulated a huge fan following, 12 acre ashram a fleet of top-priced cars. Rampal supporters fought pitched battles with security forces throwing stones and bricks, also opening fire when police tried to raid his ashram. He was caught and jailed (2014). His properties have been reported as worth over 100,000 crores of rupees!
Human sacrifice case against Sant Rampal (See also more  here and here. Also This Is How Sant Rampal Made A Private Army Of Commandos Out Of Ex-Army Men And Cops

22) Sarathi Baba Bhubaneswar: reported August 8 2015
Controversial self-styled ‘godman’ Sarathi Baba was on Saturday arrested by Odisha police on cheating and other charges following violent protests demanding action against him for his alleged escapades. The arrest came after over 10 hours of intense grilling at his ashram at Barimula in Kendrapara district since yesterday and later at crime branch headquarters at Cuttack.
Sarathi has been booked under various section of IPC including 420 (cheating), 120(B) criminal conspiracy and 341 (wrongful restraint) as well under the Arms Act and SC/ST Act.
The self-styled ‘godman’ has been at the centre of a controversy after a TV channel showed pictures alleging that he had spent two days with a woman, who posed as his wife, at a Hyderabad hotel. Sarathi, however, denied the charge and threatened to take legal action against the TV channel. Protests against Sarathi rocked Kendrapara town yesterday with people involved in pitched battles with police.
See also 
The Times of India report Aug. 8, 2015:- (arrested by Odisha police on cheating and other charges following violent protests demanding action against him for his alleged escapades.)
The Indian Express stated the Baba was “sent to jail on charge of cheating and dishonesty following a state-wide hue and cry over his alleged escapades.” also “Protests had broken out in the town and other parts of the state after reports surfaced about alleged misdeeds of the self-styled ‘godman’. ”

23) Ram Bahadur Bomjon, also known as the Little Buddha or Boy Buddha. Born 9/4/1990, previously known as Palden Dorje (his monastic name). Bomjon has been accused of a series of sexual exploitations, rape, false imprisonment and other violent acts in his ashrams by victims and witnesses, see the Ram Bahadur Bomjon page on Wikipedia. See also Police raid controversial ascetic Bomjan’s ashram in Sindhupalchok

The Hindustan Times has exposed a number of very rich gurus.  Blind faith: bizarre babas and their followers with a summary page ‘States of Superstition’ showing ten such, their backgrounds, wealth and so forth: Click here to see image

See The Laws are unholy for India’s holy men! by Sanal Edamaruku  

Other Hindu and Muslim gurus with a dark past of widespread accusations and charges of sexual assault/rape and/or financial fraud and other major crimes have escaped prosecution/imprisonment due to total laxity of the judiciary in India. These include:-

Swami Muktananda (16 May 1908 – 2 October 1982). Known for his alleged ‘shaktipat’ (transfer of consciousness) but also for having secret spy holes to observe his female followers, whom he was alleged to have seduced on a regular basis.

Sudhanshu Maharaj  (charged with manipulating financial accounts, harassing patients and much more).

Swami Ramdev – known for his virtually taking over Anna Hazare’s fight against corruption in the Indian government is himself being accused of undue opulence and ill-gotten assets.
“The national spokesperson of the Akhada Parishad, Baba Hat Yogi, said: ” A decade ago, Ramdev used to move on a bicycle. He even had to struggle to find money to fix his punctured cycle. Now he flies on a chopper. We demand an inquiry into the income and assets of the Ramdev ashram.” Hat Yogi wasn’t alone; a demand for a probe into the baba’s assets also came from Trivender Panwar, president of the Uttarakhand Kranti Dal that recently withdrew support from the Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank government in Uttarakhand.” ( Ramdev has compromised himself by his endorsement of the sex abuser Sathya Sai Baba, whose funds he offered to manage after the guru’s death (without any response). He offers cures to all ills, including AIDS, which should be a criminal offence. See documentation here

Swami Amritachaitanya (alias Ram Rahim Singh and aka Santosh Madhavan)  arrested by Interpol for rape, drug possession, financial fraud.  Santosh Madhavan exposed in Kerala “wanted by Interpol since 2004 for fraud committed in the United Arab Emirates. Interpol has issued a red alert against the godman Santosh Madhavan 35 years old & Saifudeen Alikanu 47 years old after the Dubai government issued an arrest warrant against the duo in a fraud case.” Santhosh’s former wife told police in her statement that he was in constant touch with Nazar, a close aide of Dawood, via phone. She also said that she divorced her husband when he tried to sell her to underworld kings & prostitute centres in Dubai.

Baba Gurmeet Singhcharged with murder of journalist Ram Chandra Chatapati  and sexual exploitation of women after sting op. by Tehelka and India TV.

Swami Gnvanachaitanya Arrested for sexually abusing women followers as charged by his ‘wife’ Amanda Williams.

Swami Sadachariarrested in Delhi for running a brothel. Had mingled with PMs and Presidents of India.

Shiv Murat Dwivedialias Ichchadhari Sant Swami Bhimanandji Maharaj Chitrakootwale. Arrested twice in 1997 and 8 for involvement in theft and prostitution racket. Started a Sai Baba temple for the flesh trade racket. Built own temple later.

Bhimanand Ji Maharaj Chitrakootwale of New Delhi was revealed to have run a massive prostitution ring comprising more than 1,000 girls, who “serviced” many politicians and big businessmen.

A further short list of some gurus East and West, including facts about some of the criminals among them is seen here (
See also Swamis and Scandals, Indian Express
and Super-Rich Spiritual Gurus of India

and a photo gallery of gurus caught and uncaught from Guruphiliac

The ‘apex body’ of Hindu sages – Akhara Parishad – has in December 2017 published a second list of “fake babas” taking the overall number of fake sages and self-styled godmen to 17, listed as follows:-.

Virendra Dev Dixit – Sachidanand Saraswati – Trikal Bhawant – Asaram Bapu – Radhe Maa – Sachchidanand Giri – Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh – Swami Omji
Nirmal Baba – Ichchadhari Bhimanand – Swami Aseemanand – Narayan Sai – RampalAcharya Kushmuni – Brahaspati Giri – Om Namah Shivay Baba – Malkhan Singh

The Akhil Bharatiya Akhara Parishad is a council of akharas, which are monastic orders drawing their spiritual lineage from 8th-century seer Adi Shankara, who is said to have established orders of martial monks with the aim of defending the Hindu Dharma.  (from

NOTE! This body of Hindu priests which requires that self-styled gurus should have a clear spiritual lineage through gurus in the Adi Shankara tradition has remarkably NEVER criticised many major gurus/godmen/godwomen as fake (as far as can be discovered). Many are listed above, however, and most notably these include major abusers without any spiritual lineage such as Sathya Sai Baba, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Rajneesh (Osho), Swami Prenananda and many more. In addition, the lineage of major profiteers from their false teachings and cult organisations Sri Ravi Shankar and Amma (the Hugging Mother Mātā Amṛtānandamayī Devī) have never been established back to Shankara.


This blog is written and updated only by Robert Priddy and copies found on diverse Asian websites are illegal.
 Please also note: (following addition 19/10/2013) The Indian owner of a website based in California  at  calling himself Edwin John of  1: 6/50E, Shanti Path, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021., copied this blog and claimed via DMCA Automattic to own the copyright. He wrote “This came to our knowledge that some unknown people who are using your free blogs are copying our content and publishing it on your free blogs under their name without my permission. They are copying our content and we are the copyright owner of the above mentioned articles.” This was a blatant lie and the blog, though taken down temporarily by, has been reinstated because my counter-accusation to DMCA was not challenged in court by semi-literate Edwin John (of course!). My blog of 2000 is dated May 24 2008, while his copy is dated  5/10/2008!  I have just stuck it to the top of the blogsite so all can easily be informed about this attack. He copied it months afterwards!  His copy also contains all the same links to my website and blogs which I made! Moreover he has posted the entire blog which contained up-dated materials from later years, additions about events which had not occurred back in 2008, so he  effectively claimed that he had posted material in 2008 about events which did not happen until years afterwards! What kind of a crook is this, one may ask? He uses a cloaked IP for his website and is unaccountable and uses dirty tricks against my comment, adding me as a ‘newbie’ but not posting my comment! This is Indian corruption and untruth as per all too usual!

In an important announcement by wordpress on this kind of scam, they announce they are taking legal steps against offenders. WordPress users who follow the news there will better know what steps to take in future.


Posted in Gurus, India, Sathya Sai Baba, Vedanta | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments »

False Predictions by India’s Revered “Omniscient Avatar”

Posted by robertpriddy on September 30, 2007

Some Predictions by Sathya Sai Baba, guru worshipped by India’s Prime Ministers and Presidents: An example which many readers of Dr. Hislop’s Conversations with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba will have wondered much about is the prediction made there in 1968 by Baba in contradicting Hislop. Hislop suggested that Baba’s students would come into positions of influence in 20 or 30 years, when they are in their thirties or older. Baba insisted that in only 10 years there would be a great change in the Indian nation as a result (while still in their 20’s). We also read there:

Sai: “In India people reach positions of power and influence earlier in life. Even now there are a number of examples throughout the nation… The students say that when they grow up they will do as Sai wills. As positions open in every area of the Indian society, these young men will occupy the positions. Wherever they go they will influence and change the society for the better. Corruption and such problems will sharply diminish.”
This prediction cannot be said to have been fulfilled yet, in 1995. is now known to be one of the most corrupt societies in the world, and Indians are very aware of it and the continuing degeneration in the years since 1968. Baba’s students may be entering positions of influence, but this is not evident yet to political observers, at least.

Predictions by Sai Baba concerning the influence of his Veda Patsala established in the early years (school of Vedic chanting) which was to grow and flourish have also not come about… the institution was disbanded after some years of functioning.

Likewise, various statements made in discourses by Baba on vast increases in area size of the Prashanthi Nilayam ashram (to include Dharamsala, over 20 miles away) and the number of visitors expected for certain festivals were not fulfilled, the size and numbers falling far short of those predicted! We heard some reports while at Prashanthi, independently confirmed from three ashram sources, that within the preceding year Baba had told students that the village Puttaparthi would soon be bulldozed away and that within 10 years Prasanthi would become enormous – 38 miles circumference. That was very hard to imagine in such a short time – much bigger than itself!. But the area of Prashanthi Nilayam has far from doubled so far by 2007.

Sai Baba told New Zealanders in interview around Xmas 95 (told to several of my friends in 1996 by Mr. Arthur Hillcoat, leader of the Sai Org. in N.Z.) that the French nuclear tests have released radiation into the ocean which will cause great havoc, ecological destruction and deaths in N.Z. and also in other places thousands of miles distant. (This seemed extremely unlikely at the time and has not proven to have the slightest credibility since.)
Despite this, even Sai followers still publish scaremongering materials about apparently bogus interviews supposedly given by Baba telling of massive earth changes, the likelihood of a coming deluge, materialising maps and even globes of the earth showing drastic changes, the loss of major parts of continents and an entirely new North Pole position. Further, a number of residents at Prashanthi Nilayam have long circulated a list of 27 highly imaginative mostly catastrophic` predictions around the millennium that Baba is supposed to have made to 18 students at Ootacamund before 1984. None of these predictions took place as stated.
Other millennial fears and predictions were nevertheless also rife among certain Sai devotees prior to New Year 2000. In a well-known incident at an interview, Baba told some people, including a Spanish airline pilot I met, that in a certain period around the millennium, air traffic would be disturbed world-wide for about 24 hours and it was unadvisable to travel then. This was published in Sai Impressions. However, the responsible publisher – Mr. Padmanabhan of Sai Towers Publications – was called in by ashram authorities and told to withdraw this news, it has only been information of a private nature. At first, paper was pasted over the announcement… so by removing the paper, it could be read. Later a new print run had entirely eliminated this material.

Posted in India, Puttaparthi | 1 Comment »

In memoriam Brian Steel (1935 – 2023), by Chris Dokter

Posted by chrisdokter on November 28, 2023

Today, Dutch psychologist Chris Dokter posted a eulogy commemorating the life and death of Brian Steel. Brian was a former devotee turned dissenter. As Robert put it last Tuesday: “He was important in taking the stand with us on exposing Sathya Sai Baba’s fraudulence”.

I agree! Brian’s importance can hardly be overstated. Together with Robert, he had the most prolific output. “Is it a mere coincidence both these venerable dissenters hail from Britain and as adults migrated to elsewhere, Brian to Australia, Robert to Norway?”, Chris asked. Who knows. They sure operated in the same timeframe. We’ve lost a very clear and singular voice now that Brian has passed away. I am glad Chris paid him a worthy and touching tribute.

–Eileen Weed

In memoriam Brian Steel

Posted in Sathya Sai Baba | 1 Comment »

The Shameful Fate of Seva Projects Under the “Sathya Sai Baba” Banner

Posted by eileenweed on September 10, 2023

Recently I saw an article titled: “Sai trust to renovate 36 houses built for endosulfan victims left unoccupied for 4 years”

The deceptively-titled article (stressing how the Sai Trust will help, though the failed project was their fault in the first place) describes how houses were built for the poor, under the banner of “Sathya Sai Baba Seva”, and yet were not provided with water, electricity or even roads – resulting in no one moving in and no one benefitting. In addition, there was NO SUPPORT from the Sai Central Trust, and excuses on the incompetency was blamed on the government not financing the venture.

My mind is filled with doubts and questions after reading this article. The only answer I can come up with is: such projects are done solely for publicity and not for actually benefiting people. Over decades the same thing has happened, time and time again, to many of the Sathya Sai Projects: donations of kind-hearted people are spent, the ‘Sathya Sai Baba’ name gets all the credit, and then immediately or over a short amount of time, all the benefits are gone.

  1. This project was advertised as a gift of service under the “Sri Sathya Sai” banner – why are they dependant upon government grants?
  2. Why was no financial or other help (such as influencing local government agencies) provided by the Sathya Sai Central Trust so the project could actually be a success and benefit the needy?
  3. Why were no plans for water, electricity and roads made for the houses before they were even built? (For-profit based construction companies install those things first, before any buildings are built!)
  4. Many of these highly advertised ‘Sri Sathya Sai’ projects, including for water, housing and medical care, were handed over to the government for maintenance after completion – and after that, they die a slow death of incompetent maintenance. Why don’t the projects continue to be maintained by the NGO organisations who loudly proclaim the Sathya Sai Baba name?

It is a blatantly shameful situation which boggles the mind of any clear-thinking individual! Usually only the projects themselves are publicised and shouted and bragged about by the Sai Org near and far, but the actual failure of the project long-term is ignored.

See Also:

Sathya Sai Super Specialty Hospital in decay

Sathya Sai Drinking Water project re-inaugurated yet again

Sai Baba and extreme water scarcity in Anantapur for years

Another Article on the same Project as above:

Govt inefficiency: NGO to renovate homes meant for endosulfan victims
The trust has volunteered to carry out the necessary repair work, with the Public Works Department reporting that the 36 houses require various repairs.

07th September 2023 07:12 AM
Abandoned houses at Perla in Enmakaje panchayat, Kasaragod
By M S VidyanandanExpress News Service

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: An NGO that constructed 36 houses for endosulfan victims in Kasaragod is facing the consequences of government delay and inefficiency. These houses have remained vacant since 2020 when they were handed over to the district administration. Recently, the NGO informed the government that it would spend Rs 24 lakh to make them habitable.

The Sri Sathya Sai Orphanage Trust, based in Thiruvananthapuram and in collaboration with the Joy Alukkas Foundation, completed the construction of 36 houses in Perla, Enmakaje Panchayat, in 2019. However, the pandemic hindered the trust from providing power and water supply to the project. In 2020, following the government’s direction, the trust handed over the houses to the district administration for use as a reserve pool of Covid care homes. At that time, the district administration had assured the trust that it would cover the cost of setting up power and water supply. Unfortunately, the houses were never utilised, and the promise was forgotten.

“The district administration left the houses abandoned without having a thought for the hapless victims. We raised the matter with Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan early this year. He directed the officers to complete pending works in time. The government sanctioned Rs 68 lakh for power, water and road connectivity for the project. The works are on,” said trust’s executive director K N Ananda Kumar.

The trust has volunteered to carry out the necessary repair work, with the Public Works Department reporting that the 36 houses require various repairs. Many houses have damaged doors and window panes, and the estimated cost of these repairs is Rs 24 lakh. Ananda Kumar assured that the repairs would be conducted urgently, acknowledging the plight of the homeless endosulfan victims.

Previously, the trust had executed another housing project consisting of 45 units in Eriya, Pullur Periya Panchayat, in 2017. However, the government completed the handover process only last year after significant delays. In addition to housing projects, the trust has initiated sewing classes for women in families affected by endosulfan in three panchayats in Kasaragod.


The houses have remained vacant since 2020 when they were handed over to dist admn
Recently, the NGO informed the govt that it would spend Rs 24 lakh to make them habitable

Posted in Sathya Sai Baba | 1 Comment »

Breaking down the Wall of Silence: Me too, by Chris Dokter

Posted by eileenweed on January 11, 2023

After a short introduction, Chris Dokter’s new post explores the wide array of critics of the late guru. In a sweeping and compelling recapitulation of the sexual abuse cases Sathya Sai Baba was and remains accused of, he then zooms in on the exposé work of Dr. Timothy Conway. As a subtle aside, after four decades, he steps forward as yet another directly abused youngster at the hands of the man he rightly calls an archdeceiver and sexual molester.

Do read his new post on his blog Mind your Mind: Breaking down the Wall of Silence: Me too

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Another Silly Museum for Sathya Sai Baba

Posted by eileenweed on November 7, 2022

Please click HERE for Chris Dokter’s latest post on the new museum in Kadugodi, Bangalore!

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Another Sai Baba ‘Incarnation’ Is Wanted for Cheating

Posted by eileenweed on September 10, 2022

Inspired by the king of cheaters Sathya Sai Baba, a guy called Sachin Akaram Sargar left his native Maharastha state and came to the town of Channapatna (between Bengaluru and Mysore). He began confidently telling people he was the incarnation of Sathya Sai Baba and he would remove all the difficulties of devotees for a mere fee of Rs 5 lakh rupees each (about $6,300). Imitating Sai Baba, he also performed so-called ‘miracles’ with sleight-of-hand. However, after dozens of devotees naively gave him the cash, someone registered a case against him, and now the police are searching for the absconding fake ‘god-man’.

If only courageous people had filed cases against Sathya Sai Baba way back in the 1970s or earlier, thousands of young boys and men in their early twenties would not have been sexually abused by him, and he would not have amassed such wealth and power – enough even to shut down investigations of murder inside his home. (See HERE.)

Thank goodness so many are now stepping forward and reporting the narcissistic cheaters who, like Sathya Sai Baba, dupe the public and abuse their power!

In the below video, the police officer describes how over 1 to 1.25 crore rupees ($157,000) was recorded as received in the cash books of this guy’s registered Trust, but in the Trust bank account, there is less than 1 lakh rupees ($1,200)!

One of the many articles regarding this recent cheater:

Karnataka: Sai Baba ‘incarnation’ dupes many, vanishes
Sep 4, 2022, 06:24 IST

BENGALURU: Channapatna police have booked a youngster from Maharashtra for allegedly cheating people by claiming to be an incarnation of Sai Baba. The elusive suspect is Sachin Akaram Sargar from Kolhapur. Based on a complaint filed by one devotee, police have booked a cheating case against Sargar and five of his associates.

One accused, Vanniya Raj, a close associate of Sargar, has been arrested and taken into police custody. The other four are trust members and seem to have no idea of the background of the suspect or his illegal activities, cops said.

The complainant, S Sindhu of Channapatna town, stated that the accused came to Channapatna around eight months ago. “He claimed to be the incarnation of Sai Baba and assured people that he would remove their difficulties in life. Living in one Yashodamma’s house, the accused would conduct bhajans twice a day. I was participating in the bhajans. One day, Sargar told me since his devotee group was growing, a bigger space was required and he would like to shift the bhajan place to my farmhouse. I agreed. However, in August, Sargar started forcing me to transfer our farmhouse into the name of his trust – Sri Prem Swaroopinii Sai Seva Samiti. My husband and I strongly opposed this. We grew suspicious of Sargar and dispatched one of our men to Kolhapur to find out more about him. We discovered that he was not a godman but a cheat,” Sindhu’s complaint read.

Sindhu also told cops that Sargar had cheated a few devotees of around Rs 5 lakh after promising to remove their difficulties in life.
“According to some people in Kolhapur, the accused has married three women. We’ve managed to get wedding photos of one marriage,” police said, quoting devotees.

Posted in Bharat, Cheater, Cults, darsan, Divinity, Hinduism, India | 2 Comments »

Sathya Sai Baba Copycat Gets PM Modi’s Covert Support

Posted by chrisdokter on June 27, 2022

In an unlikely twist of events, PM Narendra Modi, like a number of former PM’s and presidents of India a staunch supporter of the late Satyha Sai Baba, seems to at least surreptitiously endorse the Sathya Sai Baba copycat Madhusudan, as if he were a rightful and worthy heir to the legacy of the late ‘avatar’. (Well, perhaps, he is, as he seems as mendacious and self-deluded, as convinced of his own predictions, selling his trickery to the highest bidders while donning a renunciate philanthropist life style).

Madhusudan Sai, formerly known as Suskhma Baba, in a characteristic Sathya Sai Baba pose

Modi and the late Sathya Sai Baba

Modi with Sathya Sai Baba
Modi paying his respects at Sathya Sai Baba’s funeral, April 2011

PM Modi

Narendra Modi, a hindutva hardliner, is prone to do anything promoting the superiority of the Hindu foundations and traditions of the ancient subcontinent that is India. He did so when he was Chief Minister of Gujarat, he does it still, often to the detriment of minority groups, like muslims and members of the LGBTQ+-community. After all, being a religious man of Hindu faith, he is much akin to the conservative ideals the catholic church maintains. Modi is a walking and talking billboard for the veneration of avatars, sadgurus and saddhus whenever and wherever they pop up. Whether Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, Sai Baba of Shirdi, or any other saintly figure, past or present, Modi was and is quick to grant his endorsement. He endorsed Sathya Sai Baba from early on, and did so with a host of other false gurus too (See: Narendra Modi’s love of false Hindu gurus).

Read the rest of this post by Chris Dokter here: Sathya Sai Baba Copycat gets PM Modi’s Covert Support

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Use of Sri Sathya Sai Trust Buildings for New District Opposed, and Other Teething Problems

Posted by eileenweed on April 23, 2022

There was jubilation in Puttaparthi after the creation of a new district was announced, however moral questions, lack of infrastructure, suffering officers who don’t even have chairs to sit on, and other teething problems abound. What is the use of the Central Trust and property developers rejoicing at the renewed political interest in the area, when the common man is suffering so much?

“Use of Sri Sathya Sai Trust Buildings for New District Opposed”
March 27, 2022
This article describes complaints by advocate J. Prathapa Reddy, who points out that donations of devotees built the buildings owned by the ashram’s Central Trust, and how can they be used for government offices? He states: ““As an ardent devotee of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, I am pained to see that the Mirpuri College of Music, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning’s Vice-Chancellor and Director’s bungalows, COVID hospital, old police station building, Sri Gayatri House, and Sri Sathya Sai Deena Janoddharana Scheme buildings have been allocated for the government offices,” he said.”

One wonders if the Trust is collecting rent for these now-government offices in devotee-built buildings, or if they are just providing it for future political favors??

Teething problems likely for govt. offices at Puttaparthi
March 29, 2022
In this article, Puttaparthi locals bring up perfectly sensible concerns regarding government offices settling into the small town. “The streets around Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s ashram are narrow, and with the influx of people, the town will begin to witness congestion as well as a rise in noise and air pollution, feel locals….Residents are worried that the town, home to Prashanti Nilayam and famed for its atmosphere of serenity and spirituality, will lose its charm once the new district administration begins functioning, due to the thousands of people who would converge on the new headquarters daily to get their work done.”

Shocking details in the article reveal that one block of the “Sai Mirpuri College of Music” (built in 2000), has been vacated to house the District and Joint Collectors, and although the SSS Institute of Higher Learning (deemed University) will continue to hold classes in two blocks, the middle block will house further key offices – including tiny rooms set aside for the Rural Water Supply and other departments! Furthermore, Government employees in Anantapur have been advised to bring their own tables and computers from their present offices when they are transferred to Puttaparthi!

“Joint Collector of Sri Sathya Sai district changed in four days”
April 8, 2022
Another article is about how the “Joint Collector” of the new district only lasted four (4) days before he was changed! We can only guess at the political strings and drama attached to such juggling of seats!

“Lack of Facilities at the Sathya Sai Collectorate”
April 22, 2022
This videodescribes how, over three weeks after the formation of the new district, the new Sri Sathya Sai District offices in Andhra Pradesh are mostly just empty rooms – they have no chairs even for the officers to sit in. Government officials are seen sitting on mats on the floor and writing documents with pen and paper. At a function to complain, there were no suitable facilities even to make complaints. One upset gentleman is seen begging authorities to provide furniture and other office supplies that are needed. Another individual is seen describing how most of the so-called government offices of this new district have locked doors, and even when the rooms were open, there was no one in authority who could help with any official duties. He stressed that so many ordinary people are suffering because no work is being done.

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Furor over the New Sri Sathya Sai District Headquarters

Posted by eileenweed on February 9, 2022

After many months of political lobbying and likely bribe-giving, the State of Andhra Pradesh announced 13 proposed new districts in the State of Andhra Pradesh, basically doubling the current 11 districts – most of them formed in 1956 with the creation of the State.

See: “Andhra Pradesh approves creation of 13 new districts”

Shockingly, the small town of Puttaparthi managed, by hook or crook, to snag a new district title (carved out of the current Anantapur District) in the name of its deceased pedophile cheating UNgodly man, “Sri Sathya Sai.” Despite endless controversies and the population at large considering the Baba as a bad joke, the power play resulting in this new district in his hometown is a matter of terrible shame for India at large.

The proposed headquarters is in Puttaparthi town itself, though it has less than 17,000 residents in the entire area, and other hurdles such as severe water shortage, lack of space for government buildings, and limited facilities for non-vegetarian food, schools and entertainment.

See: “Puttaparthi as district headquarters raises concern over sanctity”

Now there are cries of protests from the losing areas, which in fact are much more appropriate to be hosting the new district headquarters.

Penukonda, for example, was the second capital of the Vijayanagara kingdom, honours the ancestry of the region and already has 600 acres of government land to host new building infrastructure, besides being relatively close to the Bangalore airport with many transportation options available.

See: “Demand for making Penukonda district headquarters grows louder”

Meanwhile, Hindupur, the biggest town in the proposed new district with a population of over 200,000, is organising massive protest rallys demanding they be the district headquarters. Hindupur is the headquarters of the Lok Sabha constituency already, with ample easily accessable facilities already in place, which would make this town a much more appropriate choice.

See: “Municipal council seeks dist. headquarter status for Hindupur”


See: “Balayya Babu to sit on a dharna in Hindupur”

The scandalous creation of this district in the name of such a unscrupulous man is embarrassing proof of how politics work: the rich and powerful will always be able to wrangle their way into more power and more riches.

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Penukonda, Puttaparthi in race for new district headquarters

Posted by eileenweed on December 12, 2021

The race is on, who will win the title of “DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS”, with accompanying material benefits, power, name and fame? If one is to believe sathya sai baba’s endless predictions of the glory of Puttaparthi verily as the center of the world, thanks to his birth there as Avatar (god himself), then it must certainly be Puttaparthi that will win the title! But alas, it looks like Penukonda – with its thriving economy, might win instead. Stay tuned!

Penukonda, Puttaparthi in race for new district headquarters

Ravi P Benjamin
Hans News Service
2 Dec 2021 12:26 AM IST

Anantapur: The process of bifurcation of Anantapur district into two districts is now activated with the Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy setting the tone for the formation of 13 more districts. Penukonda and Puttaparthi leaders are contending for making their respective towns as the headquarters of the new district, which is under the active consideration of the State Chief Secretary.

Penukonda MLA and Roads and Buildings Minister M Sankara Narayana is silently working behind the scenes to neutralise the importance of Hindupur Assembly constituency and project Penukonda as the right choice for making it as the second district headquarters, in the context of Chief Minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy constituting a committee to look into the bifurcation of districts, headed by the state chief secretary. Under the new government policy, every Parliamentary constituency will be bifurcated into a district. The district has two Parliamentary constituencies, one Hindupur and the other Anantapur.

Sankara Narayana told The Hans India that he had put forth his argument in favour of Penukonda as the capital of the new district to the committee headed by the chief secretary. It is up to the government to decide, he added. The YSRCP leaders strategy is to neutralise the importance of town and prop up the Penukonda town as a prospective modern industrial town.

Even Puttaparthy MLA Sridhar wanted Puttaparthi town to emerge as the headquarters of the new district in the making. Sridhar told The Hans India that he had put forth his viewpoint before the committee impressing upon them the need to zero in on Puttaparthi as it is a global spiritual centre.

The minister it appears has already convinced the Chief Minister and that the state chief secretary might zeroedin on Penukonda as the headquarters to be carved district. Sankara Narayana is pulling all strings to achieve his three objectives, medical college, district headquarters and Parliamentary constituency should be under the domain of Penukonda. Historically Penukonda was the second capital of Sri Krishna Devaraya.

Now, with Penukonda emerging as an important industrial hub, all eyes are on Penukonda as it is going to be a planned and decent town of tomorrow. It is also being considered as a smart city by the Central government. South Korea’s Kia Motors has set the tone for industrialisation of the region with its presence and subsequently hundreds of ancillary industries making a beeline.

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Puttaparthi Master Plan Pie in the Sky

Posted by eileenweed on December 1, 2021

Over the last couple of years we have reported several times about the grandiose Puttaparthi development plans proposed by various ardent devotees and dignitaries, some in positions of power. The lump sum for this plan was quoted as 1,000 crore rupees (about $133 million dollars). Read this 2019 post Master Plan for Puttaparthi? and its 2020 follow up Master Plan for Puttaparthi? UPDATED! for the amusing and bewildering details.

Now, yet again, news has emerged that, in spite of the auspicious tenth death day celebrations of Sathya Sai Baba, the development plans are going nowhere. Local reporter Ravi P Benjamin of The Hans India (an up and coming English-language daily newspaper, published in the Indian States of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh as well as in New Delhi) voices serious doubt whether it will amount to much more than a bridge and some river beatification. Ouch! In a recent article, dated November 27 2021, Benjamin paints a rather dismal picture, in spite of the upbeat caption (Tourist potential of Puttaparthi township needs to be tapped). A few quotes:

“…the plan did not have any support from the state government nor was any serious effort made at the state level to take it up with the Union government…”

“…even the Union Ministry of Tourism had never viewed Puttaparthi as a potential tourist centre. Neither had it given substantial funds for its development during the past 40 years…”

“…misfortune is haunting the town and unless the Baba is reborn here, it is unlikely to change the fortunes of what appears to be a god-forsaken land…”

Anantapur: Tourist potential of Puttaparthi township needs to be tapped

And here is the link to the article itself, plus the whole article quoted underneath.

Anantapur: The beautiful spiritual township Puttaparthi shot to International fame when Sathya Sai Baba was alive. Hundreds of foreign devotees of Baba visited the town and as a result, a lot of infrastructure was developed both by the Sathya Sai Central Trust as well as private stakeholders, who viewed the town as having a great potential for tourism development.

Even though the town was a destination for Prime Ministers and Presidents of the country but neither the successive Central and state governments had ever evinced interest in taking advantage of town’s international stature. After the advent of new government in 2019 in the state, at the district collector’s level there was an initiative to make some beginning in this regard and several departments had been roped in and a committee was formed with the officers and MLA Sridhar with an announcement of Rs 1,000 crore development and investment plan with tourism and private parties stakes in it. At the outset the Rs 1,000 crore investment plan was a proposal sent to the Central government for its consideration. But the plan did not have any support from the state government nor was any serious effort made at the state level to take it up with the Union government.

Prime Ministers Atal Bihari Vajpay and P V Narasimha Rao and Manmohan Singh were visitors to Prashanthi Nilayam and top industrialists in the country were devotees of the Baba and they keep visiting the town but even the Union Ministry of Tourism had never viewed Puttaparthi as a potential tourist centre. Neither had it given substantial funds for its development during the past 40 years.

Except for the bridge built over Chitravati river at a cost of Rs 18 crore of late nothing really happened. Local MLA Sridhar said that the Piligrim town will be developed on the lines of Icon City in Mantralaya. Sathya Sai National Park, underground drainage and underground power cables and decent roads were proposed. An R&B circuit guest house, food park and Yoga Wellness Centre was proposed as part of a Rs 1,000 crore plus development project. APIIC promised to provide 100 acres of land for Food Park. Roads and Buildings department would invest Rs 350 crore on the 31.5 km ring road development covering Manillakunta Cross, Kothacheruvu, Puttaparthi and Bukkapatnam mandals. Already 60 acres had been identified for the Yoga Wellness Centre.

Of course, Chitravati riverbed beautification has been taken up and as part of the project, a bridge has been built.

Sathya Sai devotees and citizens of the town and hundreds of devotees who made Puttaparthi their home are a disappointed lot as scores of VVIPs and VIPs interest in the town too did not change the fate of the town with a promising destiny.

One devotee, Sharmila from the north India who made the town her home said, Kerala is fortunate to be called ‘God’s own Country’ but misfortune is haunting the town and unless the Baba is reborn here, it is unlikely to change the fortunes of what appears to be a god-forsaken land, she muttered.

Light At the End of the Tunnel?

So, is Benjamin right and is this plan another flight of fancy, based on the supposed worldwide attraction of the late Sathya Sai Baba? God knows the selfproclaimed avatar was wont to predict a golden future not only for the planet but for India and his abode, Prasanthi Nilayam, in particular and his alleged birthplace Puttaparthi (and himself) especially. The whole world would flock to him/it, no doubt about it. Yet, many of his predictions have long since proven to be false. See for instance this major earlier post on this blog: SOME OF SATHYA SAI BABA’S FAILED PREDICTIONS « Sathya Sai Baba Deceptions Exposed. Now, Benjamin is perhaps not the most discerning or independent journalist around, judging from his unquestioning stance in his interview with Rathnakar, Baba’s nephew, only 3 days earlier, on the occasion of SSB’s 96th birthday celebrations (Strange, as the man is dead for a decade already!)

Anantapur: Sathya Sai Trust continues service activities relentlessly ( Still, Benjamin has the inside track, it seems. Which does not bode well for the overgrown hamlet in the middle of, well, nowhere. At least for now, neither Puttaparthi nor Prasanthi Nilayam figure in the Top 25 of tourist attractions in Andhra Pradesh on Holidify (Holidify Andhra Pradesh Top destinations Places-to-visit). God-forsaken, devotee Sharmila muttered. Abandoned by man, I would say.

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Floods Ravage Puttaparthi: Late Sathya Sai Baba Does Not Tame Them This Time

Posted by eileenweed on November 28, 2021

Puttaparthi Main Road, 18 November 2021

Puttaparthi has been in the news lately due to unprecedented flooding ravaging the area. Though huge pictures of Sai Baba still hang throughout the town, the false god who is now dead, has been no help to the suffering residents. That too, right at the time of his annual birthday celebrations on November 23rd!

In fact, this would have been his 96th birthday, the one where he was supposed to actually physically die, or ‘consciously shed his body’, like he boastfully predicted over decades. As we knew, he was not divine, didn’t really know his actual death day, and thus, caught unaware, he succumbed to multiple organ failure on April 24, 2011. There is sufficient proof to assume that he was brain dead long before that date, but the authorities probably picked that Easter day to pull the plugs on his life support. (Or, he perhaps died before that date and they waited to announce it – there is proof of the coffin being ordered weeks before.)

Several aerial views of Puttaparthi flooding:

Andhra Pradesh: Death toll rises to 29 as floods continue to ..

See Related:

Sathya Sai Baba death date in serious doubt

‘Taming the Flood’

Now, devotees might counterargue that whereas their late guru had power over nature he seldom chose to exercise this superhuman quality. Floods were no rare event during his lifetime either. In fact, during an especially heavy season, as far back as 1973, he purportedly ‘tamed the flood’ just before the whole ashram was to be submerged. In fact, the waters allegedly withdrew immediately after Sai Baba mumbled some words, asking the river to calm down, according to folklore that is (See: (Sathya Sai Baba) Taming the Floods). Why he chose not to help this time around remains a mystery. I would say: because he could nor did back then. The waters just happened to recede. No miracle involved. And anyhow, a dead man isn’t able to reach beyond the grave now, is he? The only saving grace being that at least villagers in peril were taken into the premises of Prashanti Nilayam, back then and this time around.

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Introducing the Latest ‘Subtle Sai’ – Achintya Amma!

Posted by eileenweed on October 6, 2021

The latest devotee who claims Sathya Sai Baba is speaking through her – a pretender of a pretender! – is another former student of his college – but this time, it’s a woman! This lady, Achintya (which means “beyond comprehension”) Amma, claims to be getting messages direct from her dead pedophile guru.

She graduated from the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning in Anantapur and lives in Bangalore with her husband Mr. Siva Prasad, a graduate of the sai college in Puttaparthi, as detailed in a Facebook post on ‘Sai Bliss’.

A somewhat blurry and jumpy video posted online shows Achintya Amma garlanded by devotees and given ‘pada puja,’ worship of her feet, which she seems very delighted indeed, to receive.

Achintya Amma joins a crowded field of already over a dozen ‘Prema Sais’ (supposedly the third and final sai incarnation-to-come) and many more imitators of sai baba, which has proven to be a very lucrative get-rich-quick scheme for the industrious people who, like the original sathya sai baba, were corrupt enough not to have a conscience.

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Unity in Sathya Sai Baba’s Organisation: a Far Cry

Posted by eileenweed on August 1, 2021

Still more drama in the civil/cold war of the Sai Organisation. Read the in-depth report of Chris Dokter here:

One week ago, on a particularly rainy day in Prasanthi Nilayam, the Central Trust triumphantly declared the official inception of its so-called Sai Global Council. It came as no surprise (Peace Attempt within The Sathya Sai Organisation miserably failed, Ugly Turf War between Central Trust and International Organisation) the Central Trust pushed on and launched its unifying body on Guru Poornima Day, July 24, in front of a paucity of attendees, many wearing masks to protect them from COVID-19 infection…

Posted in Sathya Sai Baba | 2 Comments »

Peace Attempt within the Sathya Sai Organisation Miserably Failed!

Posted by eileenweed on July 8, 2021

Please see the latest dramatic turf-fight developments between the massive power-hungry Sathya Sai organisations!

Peace Attempt within The Sathya Sai Organisation miserably failed
By Chris Dokter


As I predicted at the end of my latest blogpost, Ugly Turf War between Central Trust and International Organisation, the sworn peace between Sathya Sai Baba’s Central Trust, managed by the deceased guru’s nephew Rathnakar, and the Sathya Sai International branch (SSSIO), headed by Narendranath Reddy, was of short duration. It was in fact no peace at all, more a shortlived truce, as can be gleaned from below correspondence.

No love lost between Rathnakar and Reddy as International Organisation retracts its statement of intent to join the Global Council

This statement can be found on the main site of the SSSIO since little over a week (end of June):

The Stumbling Block? An irate letter by Rathnakar sent to Reddy on June 26 certainly did not help

As can be read below, the joint declaration of intent to join the Global Council, dated June 1, (see below and also in my earlier blog post), was to be finalised by a mutual, signed agreement on two conditions:

  1. No disruption in structure and function of the SSSIO
  2. Mutual acceptance of a so-called TOR, a document pertaining to Terms of Reference
  • The Joint Statement in question, still present on the site of the Central Trust

According to the SSSIO, and the CT does not deny this, these terms were agreed upon in the cordial Zoom meeting on May 30, and put into writing following the joint statement. Then discussion, phone calls, mails with TORs et cetera were exchanged in order to reach a final agreement. Every semblance of concord ended when Rathnakar sent the following mail message to dr. Reddy on June 26, in reply to a mail by Reddy that I wasn’t able to retrieve. Note the tone and the frequent use of exclamation marks:

Rathnakars Letter

– BABA –
26 /06/2021
Dr. Narendranath Reddy,

Received your mail rejecting the very main clauses of the Sri Sathya Sai Global Council. It is important to mention that you are aware of these clauses right from 16th November 2020, day on which the concept note was circulated to you and Mr. Nimish Pandya. You are also aware that this Unifying initiative, SSSGC, was announced on the most auspicious occasion of Bhagawan’s 95th birthday celebrations.
Inspite of receiving uncivil and irrational letters from office bearers of SSSIO accusing SSSCT Trustees and several zoom calls you and your team conducted where vicious and venomous attacks were made, we from SSSCT confined only to giving clarifications to your accusations and tried to appeal to devotees in various centres across countries. We readily came forward for an online zoom meeting accepting your requests on 30th May 2021, putting aside all the innuendos that were made on SSSCT and personal attacks your team heaped on us.

Please understand that we are in the organisations bearing the divine name of “Sri Sathya Sai” where there is neither place for ego nor for self aggrandizement. This is a beautiful organisation created by the loving lord for the sake of devotees and to uplift the entire mankind. This is not our personal organisation where we can bring in our personal agendas and idiosyncrasies. There should not be any clamor for power and positions and endless greed to hold on to our chairs. The main purpose for which we come to the Lotus feet of Sai or join the Sai Organisation is to lose our identity into Him but not to create an identity for ourselves and revel in it.

Painstakingly we have clarified all your concerns and reiterated the position of SSSCT that SSSGC is a Unifying, Coordinating and Supervising body which will not interfere with the structure and functioning of SSSIO and SSSSO. How can we make it a mere superficial body as you are expecting? Please be assured that SSSCT did not initiate SSSGC either to disturb any organisation or to undermine any one of you. If you and your team have any prejudices, preconceived notions, mistrust and wrong opinions about individuals, then you need to deal with such perceptions yourselves, as they are concerned with individual personalities. They cannot be rubbed onto the institutions. Unfortunately you seem to place personal interests above the interests of these sacred and noble institutions started by the Avatar Himself!

In all our exchanges in several meetings, calls and emails, we could not find any logical reason in your unwillingness to accept SSSGC, except your often repeated excuse of ‘divine command’ as published by Dr. Michael Goldstein, in Sanathana Sarathi, 2006. Also, at times you made us feel that SSSIO was only trying to forestall SSSCT actions and was indulging in procrastination. Maybe you are being misguided by Ganguly , Sadanand and the likes!

Our intentions and actions determine the future, and not mere words. You bring up issues like jurisdictions, independence, etc. I wonder whether we understand and appreciate the good fortune of being in such a noble, Divine Sai mission? Swami always emphasised on “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” and that is exactly the fundamental basis of SSSGC.

What jurisdiction can we give to Bhagawan? The whole universe is His jurisdiction!! All organisations bearing His name cannot and should not be divided in the name of jurisdiction. It goes against the very principles that Swami enunciated throughout His Avatarhood!

I feel sad to recollect that in one of your letters, you have mentioned “… removing, or replacing the jurisdictional duties of appointments and reporting of officers, means taking away one of the primal functions of the SSSIO…” The primal function of any Sri Sathya Sai organisation anywhere in the world should be following Bhagawan’s spiritual teachings, participating in community service activities, spreading love and bringing peace and harmony to the society! What have we made of these divine organisations? No point talking about ideals to others, ignoring them ourselves as though they don’t apply to us. You and the team flaunt authority and accuse us of being autocratic and authoritarian!!

We fail to understand the circumstances in which you are in, due to which you are being indecisive. Maybe your team members who attacked SSSGC and SSSCT under your direction must be questioning your joining SSSGC! It was you and SSSIO which sought our meeting after about five months of animosity. We readily agreed and came forward for the sake of brotherhood and it was once again you who was in a hurry to release the Joint Statement and first to release the joint statement to Sai devotees worldover! You have also registered the entire SSSIO, including all the nations and centres en bloc on the SSSGC portal. Now you and the team are backtracking ! Inspite of the clarification and comfort, I and Sri Nimish Pandya gave you during the discussions, you are going back on your word, citing your team members unwillingness!! Only Swami can help to deal with this instability in thinking. I do not know how you will face the devotees? How embarrassed your national council presidents would be to go to centers and face devotees?!

Dr Narendranath Reddy, we have given our 100% and made all possible efforts sincerely to assure you and your team. It is clear to us that you understand our intent, but you appear to be not understanding. Being a reputed and respected organisation, SSSCT is not in a position to be part of any discussion wherein you are unable to come up with any clarity and we are unable to make any headway!! The responsibility of convincing the SSSIO team is entirely yours as we are not involved in that. Please do not blame SSSCT and Trustees or any one for that matter, for your wish to stay away from SSSGC and Prasanthi Nilayam!

Let me affirm that we gave our best to unite SSSIO with Prasanthi Nilayam but SSSIO did not come forward. Top leaders should have clear thinking and cannot be dilly dallying. Without clarity, leaders lose credibility. We have no right to take devotees for granted and think that the centers and devotees will follow us just because we have some positions in the organizations. Expecting devotees to swing to our tunes is not good. Swami will be deeply hurt when we cause confusion amongst devotees. Also, every office bearer should be here only for Swami and not for any of us. If they think they are for “leaders”, they don’t deserve to be part of the noble mission.

You need to appreciate our position that we will be moving forward on the SSSGC. We from SSSCT are committed to the SSSGC and that commitment is made to Bhagawan. We will abide by it. As far as SSSGC is concerned, all Sai organisations are already part of it. We will soon be communicating with all the countries and centers.

We, along with all those Sai children who joined Prasanthi Nilayam, will be making the offering of SSSGC at the Lotus Feet on Gurupoornima, 24th July 2021.

The doors of SSSGC will always be open for you and your team in future, but it will be without any dialogue, mails or calls and will be unconditional. Let me also affirm that SSSCT has initiated SSSGC as it is Bhagawan’s own directive and a safeguard for the future.

I am enclosing Bhagawan’s discourse clips for ready reference.

In Sai Service

R J Rathnakar

First Impressions

Strong stuff, to be sure, this letter by Managing Trustee Rathnakar. Worthy of his reputation as ‘the Don’ of Prasanthi Nilayam, some might think. Safe to say it is richly laden with serious, acerbic accusations towards Dr. Reddy, not unlike before but even more angrily phrased (not here for Swami, self-aggrandizing, unwilling, indecisive, egotistic, seeking personal interest, muddled thinker, flaunting authority). The only difference now is in the threat, or promise if you will, at the very end, where Rathnakar basically says: you shut up now, you and the SSSIO. We (i.e. the Central Trust) will be moving forward unilaterally. You can either sign at the dotted line or stew (… doors always open, but it will be without any dialogue, mails or calls and will be unconditional). On the other hand, I find it quite understandable that some devotees, especially from India (but not all), mainly found active on Facebook, agree with Rathnakar, as he and his trust members seem to make some valid points, not only in this ´tough-love´ letter but also in their Zoom calls I presented earlier. Was Reddy, in cohoots with his Prasanthi Council members Gutter and Harvey, stubbornly and stupidly stonewalling and sandbagging a perfectly sound idea to bring unity where it was lacking??

To further try and split the foreign countries up, this rather sweet-voiced message was put online by the CT after the decision of the SSSIO to remain independent after all was made public.

Reddy’s Convincing Rebuttal

As the initial statement at the top of this page by the SSSIO in response to this onesided step by the CT already makes clear, the SSSIO was quick to react. The SSSIO is NOT part of the Global Council, it firmly stated. In a new declaration of independence the International Organisation sums up 107 countries who jointly agree with this remarkable turn of events, and stick to the SSSIO. The above call to join the SSSGC by the CT evidently did not amount to much. The reason might well be a lengthy Teams-session posted online July 4 on the SSSIO website, showing Reddy, Gutter and Harvey, the leaders of the International Organisation, moderated by Malaysian SSSIO executive Dr. Suresh Govind, in a strong and enlightening rebuttal of the allegations flung at them by the Central Trust. The screenshot is telling as to the scope of subjects discussed by this panel of VIP-devotees and office bearers with a joint total of near 110 years of close, personal contact and experience with Sathya Sai Baba during the master’s lifetime, and another 30 in office after his demise.

  • Screenshot with contents of the video conference

Some decisive statements that caught my eye and ear: The CT was developed solely for the management of the ashram, schools, hospitals and institutions. It was never intended to have any purview outside India. Another one: The history of the SSSIO harks back decades, and was, by the master himself, in near-constant deliberations with Goldstein, but especially Reddy, often in the presence of Harvey and Gutter, put into place as is around 2004, a wholly independent body to ´spread the word´, not for 50 or 100 years but forever. Like the disciples of Jesus, men like Reddy were to see themselves as apostles in expanding the flock. Also, all the necessary laws and by-laws were drafted and after discussing them with Sai Baba approved by Sai Baba himself, both verbally and in writing (!), including a democratic process of replacing office bearers, up to the highest level. This process went on until Sai Baba’s death. So, to men like Reddy this was divine command, and still is. To come in between swami and his devotees, creating a divide between swami and Prashanti Nilayam for foreign devotees is unacceptable as it is the home for every devotee even before any organisation existed. To set conditions, as the MT does, is adharmic. So Reddy emphatically states: Do you want to follow Bhagawan’s teaching or the instruction of the MT? And at 1:10:37: The Global Council is manmade, the SSSIO and its guidelines were godmade and meant for all times. Gutter elaborates: They erased with the left hand what they have promised and written with the right hand. A salient detail in the video is Chakravarthi’s statement dating back to 2013, where he unequivocally affirms international matters are far beyond the scope or mandate of the CT, as it only has a domestic role (see below video from 1:14:30 onwards). By now however, Chakravarthi is an important member of the CT and appointed Global Council chair, and seems to embrace the totally opposite  view. Up til 2015 the independent position of the Prasanthi Council and the International Organisation was not seriously contested. The organisatation’s organogram clearly showed that. See here:

The Sathya Sai Organisation up til 2015, with an independent international and national branch

Reddy went on: We only surrender to Swami, not to the Managing Trustee. Gutter specifically addressed the dispute regarding the differences in the two TORs. He says, in reference to Rathnakar’s letter, that he/the CT insisted on adding a supervisory role and the right to appoint office bearers at every level by the CT within the SSSIO. This is not in accordance with the procedure swami bestowed upon the SSSIO. It violates Bhagawan’s direct instructions. Another hot topic: Are the Prasanthi Council members powerhungry and do they want to cling to their seats? is rebuffed with valid arguments (Many came and went, even after swami’s demise. We have a democratic process for that). In a small but strong intersection, Harvey describes the announcement of the Global Council as a Trojan horse. In conclusion Reddy soothingly said: All is well. No one needs to worry. Even if they want to make us second rate visitors to Prasanthi Nilayam, it is of no consequence. The bond between swami and his devotees does not depend on that. It is eternal and of the heart.

I recommend all who doubt or are simply curious as to what has transpired to watch the whole video: interesting and illuminating exposé of the history of the SSSIO and its deeprooted connection to Sai Baba himself

Last Remarks

“You are not going to be missish, I hope, and pretend to be affronted at an idle report. For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbors, and laugh at them in our turn?”

Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen (1813)

Now I personally am no devotee, and have no vested interest in a smooth, unaltered, unified Satyha Sai Baba Organisation remaining in place in whatever shape or form, as I do not share the sole premise these esteemed gentlemen from both sides of the isle DO share, a rocksolid belief in the divineness of their master. Still, it is of interest to see the very thing happen in this organisation that so many starting and even matured religions suffer or suffered from: fractioning, in-fighting, each faction surer than the other to know the will (?) of the (long) gone master. That being said, my sympathy is with the SSSIO, though their Zonal Leaders in my time were one of the reasons to step from the podium (they could be every bit as hideous as Rathnakar and co). I find the SSSIO´s version of events and their firm insistence on independence simply more humane and convincing. But then, is that not due to the mere fact that I am a westerner? Let’s not forget the Indian independent organisation (SSSSO) went along with Rathnakar in a jiffy… Then again, maybe it has something to do with very real, lasting differences between (the traditional religious part of) India and the rest of the world? Different mores and such? Anyhow, for now, the rift is near total.

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Will the Puttaparthi Airport be Risen from the Dead?

Posted by eileenweed on July 6, 2021

The 10th anniversary of the death of Sathya Sai Baba came and went in April 2021, but there is no sign of him nor his town raising from the dead. Every few months, articles appear about plans to make Puttaparthi a grand tourist centre, but nothing much has happened so far. Tourists are not flocking to Puttaparthi as the believing devotees hoped.

Another article has just appeared proclaiming that the “badly neglected” Puttaparthi airport will be “abuzz again”. Will it? Will it really? We are not holding our breath. Should you?

Another article brings up the subject of the attempted sale of the airport in 2012, stating:

“In 2012, the government of the then united Andhra Pradesh, headed by N Kiran Kumar Reddy, had sought to take over the airstrip and turn it into an airport for commercial operations. But, the move did not make headway because of the political situation then.”

Puttaparthi Airport to be abuzz again

Published Jul 6, 2021, 12:02 am IST UpdatedJul 6, 2021, 12:12 am IST

ANANTAPUR: The Puttaparthi Airport would soon get a facelift and begin commercial operations, said industries minister Mekapathi Gowtham Reddy. He said the government was firm on developing Anantapur district as a hub of biotech parks following available feasibility.

The Puttaparthi airport was defunct and confined only to rear visits of VVIPs through chartered flights for many years and the airport had no night landing facility and has been badly neglected after the demise of Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

In view of long-pending proposals to develop the airport for commercial use, the minister had a meeting with the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust authorities at Santhi Bhavan in Prasanthi Nilayam in the district on Monday. Trustee R. J. Rathnakar, R&B minister Shankar Narayana, MP Gorantla Madhav and MLA Sridhar Reddy were present at the meeting.

Gowtham Reddy told the media that the defunct airport would get operational soon after making necessary changes and developments. The government wanted to speed up the process including land acquisition towards expansion of the airport to provide a terminal for at least 100 passengers. The Puttaparthi airport was inaugurated on November 24, 1990 to serve the super speciality hospital for emergency situations. The 1000-metre-long airstrip was constructed by L&T ECC. It was later extended to enable the operation of jet aircraft. Though there were proposals to expand the airport to provide cargo services, no steps were initiated due to complications in the land acquisition process.

The airport, however, would be operational with commercial aircrafts in six months, sources said.

The minister also announced plans to complete MSM Park in Puttaparthi area in 104 acres. The minister also visited the biotech industry at Kodur village in Chilamathur mandal.

“The government will establish an IT concept city in Anantapur among the three sanctioned in the state. A skill development centre would be established for unemployed youths,” the minister said.

 Industries minister Mekapathi Gowtham Reddy. (Photo: Facebook @MekapatiGoutham)

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