Sathya Sai Baba Deceptions Exposed

Exposing major deceits by guru Sathya Sai Baba in India, incl. murders cover-up & widely alleged sexual abuse

Gerald Moreno: absurd screencap fraud claims contra Priddy

Posted by robertpriddy on May 27, 2010

Gerald Moreno is a known and widely and independently proven abuser of facts and truth – claiming my copies of his web texts are ‘fraudulent’ when I have never altered any texts he actually posted. Moreno cannot prove otherwise, however much he writes! No meaningful part of his text or his images has been altered or counterfeited in any way! So his claims are totally without any serious basis, as those who wish to search can discover. He rants on and on about pointless details and loses all sense of proportion and normal sane evaluation as follows (this is but a small sample of his virtually endless ravings):

“Why Robert Priddy would continue to shamelessly and recklessly publish falsified and fraudulent screencaps against Moreno remains a mystery.

Robert Priddy is a liar, deceiver and falsifier who is so desperate and frenzied to smear Gerald Joe Moreno, he apparently needs to resort to blatant acts of screencap fraud and apparently doesn’t care if everyone sees him doing it! Now readers have a better idea why Gerald Moreno often refers to Robert Priddy as a mentally imbalanced “extremist” and “fanatic” in need of orthodox psychological help.”
(from Moreno’s :Ex-Devotee Robert Priddy Resorting To Open Acts Of Screencap Fraud” blog)

The above statement is another Moreno tit-for-tat, for I first pointed out that he shows all the signs of mental instability. His characterisation of me is illustrative of what can only be a deep unconscious projection of his own negative ‘shadow’ personality onto me. The same inflammatory style of subconscious projection has been fully demonstrated by him in hundreds of web logs/pages against many other ex-devotees of Sai Baba. He has compiled a vast compendium of derogatory and bitterly hateful postings against dissidents – but ex-Sai Baba followers, ex-Ammachi followers, ex-Muktananda followers, Wikipedia commentators negative to Sathya Sai Baba and more such groupings. Some practicing psychologists I know very well consider he suffers from a disorder – most probably OCD, obsessive compulsive disorder. This may partly arise from his admitted confusion and worries about finding God and being oiled “on the lower stomach” in private session with Sathya Sai Baba. Unlike him, I am now free of delusions about Sai Baba, though I had for years been inducted into holding similar views to Moreno (if never so blindly). Hence, my psychological state is now entirely untroubled by these issues. Far from needing to seek psychiatric help, I provide support and counsel to many former Sai Baba devotees who reportedly benefit greatly from this work, which I see as a duty. (Just for the record concerning my qualification to make a general assessment of Moreno’s psyche, I formerly worked professionally in several very progressive therapeutic institutions with diverse psychiatric connections and I lectured for years at the Institute of Psychology, University of Oslo).

Everything Moreno abhors that I write rebutting his ravings or pointing out their nature, he always throws back at me, with added bad language in an under-achiever’s tit-for-tat fashion. I put up with several years of abuse from him before embarking on a series of rebuttals of his libels and lies. His actions show he is very far indeed from behaving remotely like any kind of spiritual devotee of any kind. Further, he denies he is a devotee of SSB and does not believe in his major claims (avatarhood, omnipotence, omniscience and more), yet he runs an adulatory sathyasaibaba blog on wordpress and promotes Sathya Sai Baba. That is fraud… because he denies the truth of SSB’s constantly repeated self-descrpition. It equates to calling Sai Baba major liar! (Indeed, one of megalomaniac proportions).

In his usual obsessively meticulous style,  Moreno makes everything he can – however far-fetched and paranoidal – out of tiny irrelevant facts, not one of which shows me as a liar because I am not! He is oblivious that I often use a cache or an anonymous web proxy to secure a screencap of parts of his pages, which are often different to his actual page in various details like colour etc.. I also compact captured texts to save space, or darken the jpeg to make the text more clearly readable (which alters the other colours somewhat).  All this he calls ‘counterfeiting’ and the like! He points out a background colour change from his website – entirely irrelevant as it was due to using proxy cache etc. Likewise, a small red arrow appears on a cache of one of my captures of his text which was not on his!

In his complete lack of any evidence which impunges on my integrity, he has descended to dirty name-calling (“laughable pervert”, “dirty old man”, “blatant liar”, “shameless liar”, “Heil Priddy” ,”a boaster” (I have never boasted or wished to do so, unlike the wholly unqualified Moreno who boasts of being a thorough researcher, which he is far from being), suffering from “senile dementia” (which I certainly do not) – and much more I can’t be bothered to document here). See an independent witness that his agenda is only to slander me. His envious and obnoxious speculations about my personality – which all who know me are aware – are entirely false, yet he presents them as if they were factual!  He has never met met or seen me. His dirty epithets apply, not to me, but if anything to the guru, Sathya Sai Baba, he so admires – even though long having admitted he believed him to be a sexual abuser(!!). He would be well advised to be a lot more careful with his ever-repeated personal attacks on scores of dissidents of Sai Baba and other gurus. His content and his low and calculated diversionary tactics show how he is the only perverter of facts and the truth here.

Despite his failure to prove anything deceitful against me, his immense frustration at being unable to score any truthful points against me or the the main critics of Sathya Sai Baba has led him into countless hateful attacks and attempts at character assassination against dozens of us. He uses many dirty tricks, postings about dissidents on porno sites, on web directories and all manner of irrelevant opening to obtain as much exposure as he can, besides manipulating copyrighted images into perversions in several cases too. Here are some of his ‘arguments’ against dissenters:-

After several years of almost total restraint, I began in 2008 to rebut a considerable amount of his countless attack pages with facts, not lies (as he tries to make out). The mass of these show him to be a more than diligent student of every word I write, and a eager describer of every possible tiniest detail on which he could pick and embroider his agenda. He even rails over inadvertent typos I have made and devotes entire blogs to them, which only exhibit his mental failings further! (See here)

Moreno falsely portrays me – against his own better knowledge – as a LSD advocate (see here). He further claims that I have posted counterfeit screencaps from his site (which was often changed and – for a long period – blocked from being archived thus making independent wayback archival proof impossible)  and that I and other have ‘refused’ to show the full evidence) No such refusal has been issued, it is just not worth bothering with such empty exchanges with Moreno. However, so as not to break copyright rules by posting a complete download of his former series of pages, I offer this on a one-to-one basis to anyone who contacts me through the comments section here asking for this, but only on conditions of confidentiality (and they must not be mischief-makers like Moreno).

Here are some examples of Moreno’s hate campaign from some of his many paranoid blogs:-

This is one of  Joe Moreno's defenses of Sathya Sai Baba and himself

This is one of Joe Moreno’s defenses of Sathya Sai Baba and himself

Gerald Moreno justifies his defamatory manipulations buy saying:- “Funny how those who poke fun others appearances look rather pathetic themselves. I say turnabout is fair play”

I have pointed out that Sathya Sai Baba in his supposed ‘omniscience’ and ‘omnipotence’ has claimed his appearance will always remain youthful (just like Krishna who always was as a youth of 16 years of age). Yet his whole being has deteriorated remarkably and most visibly- and has a vacant state and a clearly aged facial and neck features – besides being wheelchair bound due to his conceitedly ignoring his six doctors’ remedial advice after his hip joint was shattered and operated on.

In my case, however, I have never made any such claims about my appearance. (Note that Moreno uses a copyright photo of me here too… the hypocrite).

Moreno underlines his lack of substantial arguments by resorting to  manipulations of those he hates – see his distortion of the face of Reinier van der Sandt and the body of Sanjay Dadlani:-

Images from Gerald Moreno's blogs

See more at:-

Moreno banned from Wikipedia

G.J. Moreno’s ‘senile dementia’ slurs, avoidances & irrationality

Moreno by Robert Priddy

Moreno and sexual abuse, denial and subterfuge

Moreno fraud on India Interacts – and ‘smear campaign’

Selected Evidence of Moreno’s widespread attacks on the Internet

Sathyasaibaba scales up hate attacks on critics

Gerald Joe Moreno blogs listed (aka joe108. SSS108, GM108, JM 108. EQUALIZER etc.)

The Gerald Joe Moreno dossier – part 1

The Gerald Moreno dossier – part 2

Serious defamation attempt by Moreno defeated

Public Petition for Official Investigations of Sathya Sai Baba and his Worldwide Organization
View ex-follower signatures
Read of prominent petitioner, the origin and problems faced by the petition from saboteurs etc.


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