Sathya Sai Baba Deceptions Exposed

Exposing major deceits by guru Sathya Sai Baba in India, incl. murders cover-up & widely alleged sexual abuse

Sathya Sai Baba massive bribery of residents

Posted by robertpriddy on September 21, 2012

All truth-seekers must thank Divya (Eileen Weed) for her letting the world know about events during the murders episode that no one else has revealed. By leaving Sai Baba she inevitably sacrificed most of her friends and contacts, having known mostly Sai devotees since a young age in 1984. The following letter may alienate some of the remaining contacts she has, but I hope they will realize that a person who has always shown such high standards of following dharma naturally feels that her telling unpleasant facts can help those many who are vulnerable to Sai propaganda and waverers who have been suffering from doubts and unfulfilled hopes. This is what she wrote me after we discussed these issues:-
 Scan of e-mail from Eileen Weed on Sai baba having bribed with Rs. 50,000.- each of 30 resident families at Prashanthi Nilayam just after the murders.... i.e. hush moneyNote: Jerry Sandusky is a proven major serial child molester – see here

From the book "The Godmen of India" (p. 41) by Indian CID detective inspector Janaki Ram

Indeed, the police were blackmailed because the Sai authorities has until then let them get away with their taking Rs. 80,000.- from the Puttaparthi village brothers who has slashed a Swiss lady to death and stolen the money. The police had, after several weeks, let the boys ‘escape’ in return for the location of the cash! V.K. Narasimhan knew that the Sai authorities had used this to force the police to go along with their plan, to execute the four intruders on the principle “Dead men tell no tales” (as the younger brother, Janakiramiah,  had put it so nicely to the Indian Home Minister S.B. Chavan in Narasimhan’s presence, who told me he was so shocked by their laughing over it!

These were not at all the only reported cases of Sai Baba using bribery, though it is a very damaging instance. Sai Baba tried to ‘shut the mouth’ of Alaya Rahm by giving him money, watches etc. But Alaya spoke out bravely about the vile sex abuses he suffered from Sai Baba  because he had been brought up to believe fully that he was God Incarnate (he exposed the sex abuses in the BBC film ‘The Secret Swami’ and in the Danish film ‘Seduced’). Further, and yet more significant is th following account from the CID investigator J. Ram who published his book (The Godmen of India) exposing Sai Baba and others (see scan on right).

That Sathya Sai Baba often handed out cash, both in rupees, dollars and so on – especially to his favourite students or ‘form boys’ who were widely spoken of as his chosen sexual partners – has been reported by numerous persons. Not only does this show that he liked having money for his own purposes (something he denied flatly time and again) but that he kept stores of currency in his rooms. The  ‘final proof’ of this, if one may call it so, was the discovery of vast amounts of cash in various currencies, as well as gold, silver and diamonds plus, plus in his ever-locked secret Yajur Mandir rooms, which could only be opened by one person after his death (Sathyajit).

Indian newspaper report on cash seen in Sai baba's room which disappeared.

One Response to “Sathya Sai Baba massive bribery of residents”

  1. Indeed, Robert, thanks to you, Eileen, by speaking out so franky and meticulously on the misdeeds that you have been witness to, at least some extra proof has been unearthed about events that have puzzled me and many former devotees for so long. And thank you, too, Robert, for putting it into perspective so succinctly and expertly once again.


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