Sathya Sai Baba Deceptions Exposed

Exposing major deceits by guru Sathya Sai Baba in India, incl. murders cover-up & widely alleged sexual abuse

Sathya Sai Baba replacements: Sukshma Sai, Prema Sai…

Posted by robertpriddy on July 30, 2015

There are several substitutes for the lost Sathya Sai Baba recognised by sections of the devotees he left behind.  As one of my contacts wrote “Where in the heck should an ardent devotee worship on Guru Purnima? Prasanthi Nilayam? Muddenahalli? Doddamallur? Or in one’s heart? So many conflicting choices, with more popping up every day!

The substitute or extra Sathya Sai Baba on the upswing at present, ex-Sai student Madhu Sudan or Sukshma Baba, is worrying the Central Trust and Prashanthi Nilayam greatly, who have managed to get Rahul Gandhi to visit the final resting place or Mahasamadhi (i.e. graveyard of Sai Baba). His mother had finally visited Sathya Sai Baba, no doubt hoping it would gather votes for Congress in the election. Now it is Rahul’s turn to try the same tactic.

The Muddenahalli impostor is now being worshipped by former devotees who lost their Baba in 2011 and have are grasping at anything that will give them a sense of continuity and imagined  ‘spiritual togetherness’, emulating as far as possible the routines and rituals of Sai Baba in a new setting, including the giving of rings to those considered deserving.

Pretending that he is walking behind an invisible Swami is a most risible charade to those who are not fully credulous, as so many Indian worshippers are. He claims that Sathya Sai Baba materialises rings in his (Madhu Sudan’s) shirt pocket which miraculously fit those to whom they are given. No miracles are needed for that, there are many techniques to judge the size in advance, knowing to whom a ring will be given.

An article published by Sai Surya entitled ‘The Truth about Sukshma Baba’, a privately circulated pdf which also reached me, lets the cat out of the bag about the rings now being toted by the false Baba, as follows:-
“Some people have received objects such as rings and neck chains. These were either placed in Madhu pocket ahead of time as Swami knew who was coming when. In other cases, the items were teleported. All these items had been purchased from jewelers according to specifications by Sukshma Baba. One amazing things is that the rings are all the right sizes as is everything else. But have no doubt about all these objects being infused with divine energy.”

Note “all these items had been purchased from jewellers…” etc!  Compare with 9:20 in the video listed below,”Says Madhu takes out rings etc from his pocket and giving to devotees saying the ‘light body’ gave it to him (materialized in his pocket!).”  In short, an outright lie! Indeed, the rings have not a jot of unusual energy. For 14 years I wore a 6-carat green stone ring Sai Baba pretended to materialise for me in 1986 (having replaced what he called a diamond ring with a green stone saying “better than a diamond”) and I can assure everyone that it is near worthless object. A top professional assayer found it to be a cheap synthetic sapphire with green silver tinfoil behind the stone set in an 18 carat gold ring. I had said I would donate a large sum, which is surely why Sai Baba did that. So do not be deceived by these Indian ‘leela’ tricks!

Here are some statements from a 14-minute YouTube video in English entitled ‘Subtle body appearance of Sathya Sai Baba in Muddenahalli’ which sets out to justify the scam they are perpetrating on unwitting devotees who followed Sathya Sai Baba. 

4:00, Amusing scene of oracle boy opening the car door and supposedly walking behind sb. (Just amazing that the desperate devotees have bought into this obvious ruse!) 
5:03, Mentions how they have acquired a $200,000 Jaguar through devotee donations) 
6:03, PRO Mr Babu declares that sb is “living” in the Muddenahalli room in subtle form. Also mentioned is how sb gets food twice a day, specifying on a daily basis who the lucky guys are to bring up the food to his bedroom. 
7:49, Mentions how the light body sb calls foreign devotees for ‘interviews’ and tells them he wants to visit their homes. (Oh! Now we know how the foreign tours have come about.) 
8:42, Details on oracle-boy Madhu, how he failed in his career, started a financial consultancy and real estate business and got deep into debt. 
9:20, Says Madhu takes out rings etc from his pocket and giving to devotees saying the ‘light body’ gave it to him (materialized in his pocket!). 
>10:03, Says how Madhu has announced the birth of Prema Sai. (Then why is ‘subtle baba’ still hanging out in Muddenahalli?) 
11:29, Mentions the special treatment of all those coming to Muddenahalli to further attract them, giving special meals, tours of the campus and talk of miracles there. Also, that rich devotees are given ‘interviews’ with Madhu. 
12:32, Mentions Madhu used to give rings but due to the sizes being wrong, he now only gifts pendents. from (

See below the latest travel plans of this unofficial roving proxy Baba are being expanded to cover 7 countries in the coming 3 months, which is mendaciously publicised as “Swami’s World Tour”. A chief plausible reason the flesh and blood Baba could not, after 2000, take a world tour or visit countries he had promised to, was the fear that he would be held to account in countries where his crimes were known and affidavits of his sex abuses were ready!

World Youth Conference – Baba’s 90 Birthday Celebrations – November 15th – 25th
 Muddenahalli – Athi Rudra Pooja – October 13th – 23rd Oct
Hong Kong – October 2nd 3rd
Malaysia – September 30th – October 1st
Singapore – September 28th 29th
Fiji – September 25th to 27th
Australia – September 23rd 24th
Muddenahalli – Alumni Meet -September 6th
UK – August 28th – September 3rd
Dubai – August 26th and 27th
Muddenahalli – Guru Poornima Main Celebrations July 31st

Devotees might rather like to bet on on or other of the two Prema Sai’s which have allegedly been born?

TO HELP DECIDE, SEE Prema Sai’s place and time of birth controversy


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