Sathya Sai Baba Deceptions Exposed

Exposing major deceits by guru Sathya Sai Baba in India, incl. murders cover-up & widely alleged sexual abuse

Lingam ‘materialised’ by Sukshma Baba on Maha Sivarathri!

Posted by robertpriddy on March 2, 2017

The continuing Muddenahalli scam engineered by Narasimha Murthy and fronted by former abused Sai student  Madhusudan (so-called Sukshma Baba, the fake ‘oracle boy’ invested with Sai Baba’s ‘subtle body) seems to have no bounds. Now he is venturing further and imitating Sathya Sai Baba by spitting out a lingam on Maha Sivarathri. The level of cynical criminality Madhusudana has reached is jaw-dropping. A video shows him quickly spitting out a (small) object, supposedly a lingam (because the occasion was Maha Shivarathri, when Sathya Sai would allegedly produce lingams). Clearly this is just a beginning with a beginner-sized object swallowed and regurgitated (if it even was swallowed). One may expect bigger lingams in future when Madhusudan has had more practice… before he quite likely dares to announce himself as being ‘Prema Sai’ (of conferring this on some groomed boy from Mandya district already heralded as Prema Sai, where Madhusudan and entourage recently visited.
See where a critical Sai Baba believer exposes the act as a travesty by a faking pest.

Totally deluded Indians (of which there are so many plus some cognitively challenged foreigners), see it as a miraculous manifestation have no idea that the technique of swallowing and later regurgitating an object like an egg was invented and perfected by the world-famous magician Houdini. It is not divine or miraculous in any respect.

This regurgitation trick has been done by other Hindu gurus and street fakirs, notably the criminal Swami Premananda who did the same on Shivarathri (as well as producing masses of vibuthi). Con-man imitation Sai Baba guru Premananda died in prison years after the Supreme Court convicted him of multiple rape and murder on DNA evidence).

This is incredible credulous India, land of adult belief in stupendous archaic myths and rank superstitions. The majority of the population (even including Presidents, PMs and Government Ministers, judges, celebrities etc) are easy meat for gurus who have learned trickery, guru lore and tantric magic. These frauds are often very smart at presenting themselves with the most positive ‘spiritual’ ideals and service works (which absorb only a proportion of the vast sums they swindle out of the public). The well-intentioned, do-gooder person is very vulnerable to this, especially if they are foreigners, who cannot without decades of involvement find out the iniquitous kinds of deceit – level below level – that are ingrained in so much of Indian life.

A street fakir was filmed in the 1980s doing this (see very short MP4 video clip here)

See The Magic Academy ” Materialization of vibuti, lingams, laddu sweets… easy to learn!

The Magic Academy teaches swamis to defraud and deceive

The Magic Academy taught anyone, probably including swamis, to defraud and deceive with supposed ‘holy miracles’. However, this enterprise ran into great problems and the YouTube video had to be removed. Typical with the Hindu-dominated governments and judiciary.

One Response to “Lingam ‘materialised’ by Sukshma Baba on Maha Sivarathri!”

  1. eileenweed said

    One wonders what they are urgently wracking their brains to do as the ‘next big thing’ to try and impress dead sb’s devotees and lure them over to the ‘subtle side’. Obviously you can get more devotees with a physical presence instead of a pretend, ’emperor’s clothes’ imaginary presence, thus subtly the oracle boy (or ‘baloney boy’ as he is now called by devotees on Facebook) is acting more and more like the actual guru instead of just a mouthpiece of the guru.

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