Sathya Sai Baba Deceptions Exposed

Exposing major deceits by guru Sathya Sai Baba in India, incl. murders cover-up & widely alleged sexual abuse

Posts Tagged ‘Sai Baba miracles’

Sai Baba’s Karma & Retribution

Posted by robertpriddy on April 7, 2011

A veteran of the Sai Exposé from it’s earliest days, Hari Sampath, has provided this report and his own reflections on Sai Baba’s current situation: It is reposted here, showing as it does his foresight in the matter (08 August 2007). One may or may not agree with the views below, but many do – many more than is generally realised, as is shown by the number and quality of prominent devotees and office-bearers who have resigned from the Sathya Sai Organization, and not least by the over 1500 persons who have signed a petition for Sathya Sai Baba to be brought to justice (which can never happen in India where his money and influence have so far been decisive in blocking all court petitions).

Sathya Sai Baba’s extremely negative karma accumulated for long has been slowly catching up with him and approaching fruition. The countless victims of this fraud, victims of false promises, sexual abuse, cheating, deception and every known act of Adharma had been put to physical , mental, emotional and spiritual misery for a lifetime, and the combined effect of these people’s misery is certainly recoiling back on the colossal fraud Sai Baba.

Most people will remember that in the early days in the 1940’s an old saintly man was brought to sb by his disciples. This man was considered a Guru locally, and had 2 stumps for his legs and was carried around by his disciples. Sai Baba publicly scolded him for that and instead of expressing even basic human sympathy, chided him for being a burden on his disciples by being dependent on them to be carried around. Now the wheel has come a full cycle and the poor, accursed wretched soul Sai Baba himself is being carried, wheeled around, and dependent on his personal staff for even performing basic physical functions.

So many thousands of people , promised “divine cures” and stuck to wheelchairs etc , having been cheated by this fraud and even abandoning conventional medical treatment for disabilities like Dorothy/Pink Twins among many others, people without physical vision, hearing, paralysis, mental ill health, and so many other types of physical disabilites, had been cheated deliberately by this false messiah of deception, and Sai Baba’s karma has caught up.

Now he is reduced to a gibbering, senile, drooling, old fool, in a pathetic condition in full view of the world. He is dependent on his staff even for eating food, going to the toilet etc, what a cruel fate he has invited upon himself. His situation is so pathetic that he has asked his devotees to pray for him and also conduct healing yagnas etc.

The hand that promised to lift a “range of mountains” can’t even cut a cake now or wear his dress properly when it slips !

The feet that promised to walk across the skies is unable to even hobble across the hall for a few feet !

While I do feel somewhat sorry for this pathetic condition, I also realise he has inflicted many many times more on innocent sincere seekers of God, who trusted him and were promised solace from all problems, only to be cruelly cheated for the most selfish of reasons by Sai Baba. At least God has been kind in dealing with Sai Baba in that there are people to attend to him and he has material comforts, but then these folks are also doing so so that they may share the loot gathered over years and for their own selfish ends.

Its got to a point that even the SSO officials and gangsters are sick of waiting on him hand and foot, and apart from the outward civil behavior in public, I know that in private they are quite rude to Sai Baba knowing he is an exhausted incapable senile old man, and also he had been putting many of these officials through his spiritual/divine bullying for years, now they are happy to get back at him. I believe these personal staff sometimes don’t even respond promptly to Sai Baba asking to go to the toilet, resulting in even bed wetting at times. How terrible and sad. Just like an old, aged senile relative being barely tolerated because of his bank balance and hopes of being remembered in the will and legacy.

These people are just hoping Sai Baba dies soon, but I don’t think he will die soon, because afterall the god of death is Dharmaraja or Yama, who himself wouldn’t want to come anywhere near sb soon to put him out of his misery, such an extreme case of adharma is Sai Baba.

I in fact feel that Sai Baba’s misery has just started and after losing his legs and one hand, soon he will lose his hearing, speech, eyesight and mental sanity, one by one, and his misery will be shown to the whole world, and he will be exposed for what he truly is : the retribution for a lifetime of massive fraud, debauchery, trickery and self seeking, for name and fame as God, resulting in an old age drooling, gibbering, legless, blind, speechless, paralysed and broken, and humiliated old wretch.

His life will indeed be a message to humankind. And it will end only when God finally acts mercifully to put him out of his misery.

It was not said lightly that “he whom the Gods want to destroy, they make him mad first”, and we would see this too.

Hari Sampath

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Sai Baba’s Divine Eye-in-the-Sky that sees through all?

Posted by robertpriddy on September 4, 2007

Sai Baba manipulated photo

How many people on average will believe that the above image is a genuine one… how many may suspect it has been manipulated? In the Sai movement the majority almost certainly believe it genuine. It has been on sale since the 1980s and the photographer made a real killing! Life in Puttaparthi was and still is harsh and unforgiving to most of its inhabitants, so a little trick that brings in dollars is the obvious thing. But how could it be so successful? The following scan showing Sai Baba’s claims from Dr. J. Hislop’s book ‘Conversations with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba can indicate why…


Sathya Sai Baba has often boasted about his all-seeing eyes [correction ‘eye’] (note that he has explained how he is blind in the other after a hair-dryer accident, of all things! Funny he didn’t “see” that the hair dryer would blind him? See Damage-containment for Swami’s All-seeing Eye(s)? )

There have been plenty of other photo tricks among Sai followers, not least the widely-publicised photo of an alleged appearance of Sai Baba in the sky beside an airliner that ran out of fuel. This photo is also a dark room concoction – superimposition of two images –  and has been thoroughly debunked by experts… but anyone can see that it cannot be what it is claimed because trees are visible in the sky which is supposed to be high above the ocean! (Read all about it here! )


Public Petition for Official Investigations of Sathya Sai Baba and his Worldwide Organization
View ex-follower signatures

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