Sathya Sai Baba Deceptions Exposed

Exposing major deceits by guru Sathya Sai Baba in India, incl. murders cover-up & widely alleged sexual abuse

Prashanthi Nilayam has become super repressive & mercenary – 2014

Posted by robertpriddy on March 3, 2014

I received a comment on this blog asking if I had seen that a film has been relased in the US. I replied: “I have already blogged on the film:
I hope it will get on general release in the US, where ‘The Secret Swami’ was not shown on the requirement of Alaya Rahm when he became the main abused testifier.”

This was the response I received:-

Fra: “S Dan” <>
Sendt: 2. mars 2014 14:55:33
Emne: Re:

 Thanks  Robert,  Also  do  you know  that  now  there  are  a  lot  of  new Rules in  the  Ashram,  my  friend  who  was  talking  with  friends  in  the  Ashram   casually  about Yoga,  some  one  walked  up  to  him  &  said  you  are  only  to  talk  about  all  pertaining  to  Baba  in  the  Ashram,  he  thought  the  guy  was  joking,  but  then  he  discovered  he  was  not,  he  reacted,  &  was  made  leave  the Ashram!!

This  was  last  Nov,  also  I  used  the  Phone  in  the  Ashram  to  call  the  UK,  as  I  thought  it  would  be  cheaper!!,  but  for  approx  10 mins  I  was  charged  370 Rupees,  way  over  the  norm!,  they  had  rigged  up  the  machines!! But  what  was  amazing  was  masses  of  new  people  were  there  last  Xmas,  who  have  never  even  seen  Baba,  all  new  people,  mainly  from  the country side who  are  in  a bad  situation  economically!

They  have  also  started  to  sell  Baba  DVDs  out  side  the  Western  Canteen!!
Warm  Regards   L.            PS  Please  keep  my  name  confidential

The Sai Central Trust have stepped up their efforts to extract as much cash as humanly possible, especially from foreign visitors, about whom there is also increased suspicion and paranoia. There is clearly a widespread clampdown on freedom of speech and telling the truth, like Orwell’s 1984, no less! It should be of interest to those who may think of visiting again that, not only was a recent violent incident against an American lady by a former servitor in the Prashanthi Nilayam ashram administration, Sai Rohit Srivastava, under police investigation, but a later news report about four murderous attackers were arrested by police in Puttaparthi In short, the ashram is becoming a yet more dangerous place than formerly, when it was even than the scene of numerous murders, many disappearances, accidents  and suicides etc.

The former insider devotee, Eileen Weed, who still has contact with some believers, writes in her comment to this blog: “A long-time resident woman who I know personally, who’s over 40 years old, was also followed inside the ashram and harassed multiple times by various men, some wearing the blue Seva-Dal scarves. They would stand next to her and brush against her body! Complaints to the head Seva Dals stationed at the main gate went unheeded. He only said, “Yes, we know. Don’t worry about it.” I wouldn’t advise people to visit Prasanthi Nilayam, it sounds like it is becoming more & more dangerous and like you said, a hotbed of paranoia and desperation!”

One Response to “Prashanthi Nilayam has become super repressive & mercenary – 2014”

  1. eileenweed said

    A long-time resident woman who I know personally, who’s over 40 years old, was also followed inside the ashram and harassed multiple times by various men, some wearing the blue Seva-Dal scarves. They would stand next to her and brush against her body! Complaints to the head Seva Dals stationed at the main gate went unheeded. He only said, “Yes, we know. Don’t worry about it.” I wouldn’t advise people to visit Prasanthi Nilayam, it sounds like it is becoming more & more dangerous and like you said, a hotbed of paranoia and desperation!

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