Sathya Sai Baba Deceptions Exposed

Exposing major deceits by guru Sathya Sai Baba in India, incl. murders cover-up & widely alleged sexual abuse

Archive for July 19th, 2010

Avoidance of vital issues, like sex, AIDS by ‘Universal teacher’

Posted by robertpriddy on July 19, 2010

The taboo subject of ‘sex’
While promoting himself as the ‘Universal teacher; Sathya Sai Baba avoids the issue of human sexuality almost totally.  This is very revealing as no sensible advice is given by him on one of mankind’s most basic needs and drives – other than in a few words to preach chastity, also praising this as best within marriage. He has never discoursed on human sexuality. Nor does he answer any central questions which bear on sexuality. There is nothing whatever ‘spiritual’ about avoiding the issues connected with sexuality. The sexual impulse is the source of so many personal, social and other problems in the world, and is one which a liberated person should be able to address in an enlightening way, especially if that person were actually ‘omniscient’, which Sathya Sai Baba has repeatedly claimed he is in discourses and in countless statements in interviews.  Instead he occasional nearly broaches the issue by preaching monastic and sex-repressive ideals of a fundamentalist religious kind. This is more Catholic than any recent
Pope (misguided and obscurantist indoctrinators as they are), reminding more of an extreme hypocritical Victorianism.  All this is a parody  of spiritual guidance to mankind by this ‘Divine Know-all!

Satya Sai Baba’s secrecy and his attitude that strongly suggests guilt and shame feelings about sexuality means that questions about sex and important matters like birth control, condoms, AIDS, homosexuality and lesbianism and other sex-related issues are evidently far too sensitive for this widely accused homosexual abuser of young men and boys! By contrast, a far more enlightened educative approach towards unavoidable and irrepressible human sexuality has changed the world and is increasingly adopted is by a growing majority in most modern countries. The Sufi mystic and famous poet Rumi, to whom Sai Baba has referred as a spiritual saint, regarded sexual desires in youth as ‘letting one’s feathers grow out’, without which dangerous problems can be caused later. (The Essential Rumi, p. 64).

That Sai Baba cannot touch on sex discussion strongly suggests that his real views would awaken astonishment and would cause many to fall away from his movement and might also draw more attention to his own very widely testified sexual proclivities and preferences. He lists lust as one of the seven or cardinal sins, without explaining what kind of lust even, though he always claims to have no bodily desires.

Sathya Sai Baba talks about sexual desires to young men in secrecy the privacy of his inner ‘private’ interview room, admonishing them for contact with girls and masturbation . This is reportedly the introduction to oiling of their lower stomachs and genitals, and subsequently – according to numerous testimonies – to outright sexual advances and practices. Many factual and convincing accounts by a wide variety of young men indicate clearly that Sathya Sai Baba has tried to change them into homosexuals for his own gratification! It has also emerged that Sai Baba jokes with very close confidantes like Col. Joga Rao about sex, who was given to telling constant barrack room dirty stories, which I learned from V.K. Narasimhan who complained how he had to put up with them when forced to share a room with Joga Rao!

In India 2.3 million persons are known currently to be living with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) which causes AIDS by damaging the immune system cells until the immune system can no longer fight off other infections that it would usually be able to prevent. It takes an average of 10 years to develop AIDS from HIV infection.  The shame attacked to this (and all sexual illnesses and to sexual deviance in Indian culture) means that the  hidden figure of AIDS and HIV sufferers may be considerably higher. The authorities in power, many of whom worship Sai Baba, long argued that it would be offensive to speak to people about sex and AIDS, condoms etc., but experience by independent organisations show this to be wrong. Many leaders still hold puritan and repressive views on sex, sex information and education and as a class the also remain out of touch with the population – their sufferings and needs – from whom the live as far as possible in physical and social isolation.


Posted in education, Gurus, Health and Medicine, Morality, paedophilia, Sathya Sai Baba, Spiritual propaganda | Tagged: | Leave a Comment »