Sathya Sai Baba Deceptions Exposed

Exposing major deceits by guru Sathya Sai Baba in India, incl. murders cover-up & widely alleged sexual abuse

Sathya Sai Baba’s power

Posted by robertpriddy on July 20, 2010

Sai Baba has gathered a culture around himself and his ashrams, a highly protective ‘charmed circle’ of servitors, officials and privileged devotees, within which his word is gospel. No one who remains within its social and mental confines ever ventures to doubt anything he says, for he is to be regarded as totally infallible, even if one does not understand what he means or why he says it.

These people willingly act as a ring of bulwarks against anyone who wishes to get near to question, challenge or investigate the simplest matter.  The Indian government has provided him with armed guards, in addition to the undercover security force he is known to employ at considerable expense. This full-blown personality cult has the full support of the Indian government and many authorities in India, including most of the press, which has gradually been warned off or bought off by his minions. Not only the police, but also the CID and CBI were unable even to question him about murders in his bedroom apartment due to protection by the Home and Prime Ministers at the time.., persons whose prestige had long been invested in their being long-term followers and worshippers of Sathya Sai Baba. ‘The Statesman’ reported”:-   “A 1993 incident in which police shot dead four of his followers and his attendants murdered two was hushed up with intervention from the top the then home minister, SB Chavan. The Baba, who was present when the four were shot dead, was never questioned.” (see

In short, Sathya Sai Baba ruled the roost totally for decades in his independent, ‘township’ or fiefdom under his full legal and physical control. Though his word is still gospel to the blind believers, he no longer has the ability to control and manipulate, which powers have increasingly been usurped by those who run things while he is a partially senile invalid. His claim to be the Godhead of all Deities who is totally all-knowing – if remotely true – would mean that he could have stopped the murders and the police cold-blooded executions within his fiefdom. However, in his discourse some time afterward, he virtually justified them, and further told how he knew what would befall his attendants in advance, warning them (which he claimed they did not heed). The world will draw its own conclusions from this together with all the published facts… despite the massive campaign to confuse the issue and cover-up to an extent probably unparalleled in any democracy today.

How Sathya Sai Baba can avoid being accountable to anyone for anything

Sai Baba is virtually never held to account to his face for anything he says. Most people who qualify to get near him already have too much respect, awe or out-and-our fear to question anything he says or does in any but the most positive or else superficially questioning manner. This is not to say that there have been absolutely no exceptions. There are doubtless those who only pretend subservience, while being self-willed and devious. Most officials in his various institutions who are often in his presence have the ‘healthy respect’ for him, his will and his word that a schoolboy has for an unpredictably punishing headmaster. Now, is this not what one would expect of God too? In all major religions, God is not accountable for any kind of error or wrong doing. As long as one really believes that Sathya Sai is God Almighty himself on two feet, or something near to that, one thereby surrenders all chance of understanding anything about him. Add to this the indisputable fact that Sai Baba does not WANT anyone to be able to understand him… almost everything he says and does demonstrates this! He also is ever telling people in private interviews to keep things secret, which is a near paranoid precaution for controlling what is generally known about him.

Anything a follower does not understand about Sathya Sai Baba – especially anything untoward – is explained by any of a set of fall-back positions, such as: “We human beings cannot understand Swami’s Divine actions”, “The ways of God are inscrutable”, “It is Swami’s Divine Play”. “Swami is testing us to see if our faith in Him is sound” and other such excuses. This goes for everything he says which is recognisably untrue, vague, ambiguous, at odds with his own teachings, self-contradictory, improbable, nasty, disgusting or outright criminal. This is what makes the Sathya Sai ashrams and main movement an unmistakable cult run by a secretive and clandestine clique – many delude by others merely cynical.

Of course, one cannot understand what he says or why if one has given up the attempt to discover the truth of it beforehand, and this ‘giving up’ is to ‘surrender to his Divine will’. It implies that one never may question anything he says or does, without exception! Not even in the privacy of one’s thoughts! Sathya Sai Baba either ignores or fobs off anything remotely like a penetrating question that may still be put to him by some daring person who has slipped through the net into an interview but who is not yet fully obedient to the Divine Will.

Considerable investigation is required to remove or dispel mere appearances, the more so when tight secrecy and cover-up is a constant factor. No persons are able to observe Sathya Sai Baba’s behaviour all the time, which makes it all the harder  it is very hard to get to the true state of affairs in many matters. Sai Baba exhorts all to be unquestioning believers in him and had instituted throughout his institutions, organization and ashrams a blinkered self-programming and self-denigrating mentality to maintain the emotional dependence of his devotees. After some years under his aegis, the task is almost insuperable for persons without considerable personality resources to fall back upon. The figurative ‘smashing of the mirror’ of one’s own preconceptions and even a dear part of one’s self-image (i.e. that one could be deceived so long and so much) is simply too demanding for those who have devoted their lives to delusions.

The very close servitor – the editor of Baba’s journal for 20 years – V.K. Narasimhan told me that Sai Baba said to him one day: “One thing I cannot do is to make a person choose to do good.” That is part of the reason why Narasimhan – a pragmatist – did not reject or leave Sathya Sai Baba when the executions of the four intruding devotees were organised by Sathya Sai Baba ‘s younger brother, Janakiramiah (since deceased)! It seemed to Narasimhan – who had often told me that he was most certainly not omnipotent – that Baba could not even influence his own younger brother! This viewpoint was supposed to absolve Sathya Sai Baba from responsibility as accomplice to the murders, neither being able to dictate the actions of those Sai Central Trust members and ashram officials, nor those of his younger brother Janaki Ramiah, who blackmailed the police into shooting down the four young men – trapped and virtually unarmed intruders – in cold blood, one by one in a huge hail of bullets. Sathya Sai Baba’s power is worldly, arising from his protection by all those followers from his security servitors right up to Prime Minister, Presidents, Supreme and High Court judges and many others in India.

See also:-

Sai Baba on the Indian Government Some Top Political devotees of Sathya Sai Baba”][/caption] It is known …  state of intense enmity between the main contenders for power in India) he went on: “A good government should always be supported. …
There are also lot of other political influences …  Sathya Sai Baba and his minions had in the corridors of power in India, especially the top of the Indian Government

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