Sathya Sai Baba Deceptions Exposed

Exposing major deceits by guru Sathya Sai Baba in India, incl. murders cover-up & widely alleged sexual abuse

Posts Tagged ‘Religious sex abuse’

Many young men claiming sexual contact with Sathya Sai Baba

Posted by robertpriddy on June 22, 2011

Sathya Sai Baba with some favourite boyfriends in his later years. Why did he have a bed in his private room (astonishing news for his devotees – from The Telegraph, Calcutta, and other papers)  which is five meters by 5 meters? One can but surmise…

Now that more of the truth about the massive deceptions and cover-ups around Sathya Sai Baba have been discovered, it is time to point out again the extensive and credible testimony – much of it confirmed by our incisive  investigations – and circumstantial evidence about Sathya Sai Baba as a major, serial sexual abuser. As often explained on numerous websites, the number of males who are reported as having been sexually molested by Sai Baba in one way or another is very considerable. There are differences in the extent to which those so involved have reported the facts. Over 20 have written their testimony on the Internet or have been filmed on documentaries stating their experiences. All of these are highly credible witnesses, in whose testimony there are many similarities, though they explain in different ways according to each the particular circumstances involved. They were brave indeed to stand forth, having nothing to gain other than the knowledge that they may have helped protect others from the same experiences.  They have been harassed and libeled for their troubles by devotees of Sai Baba in intense denial, especially by Gerald Joe Moreno on a truly fanatical scale.

The credibility of most allegations and descriptions is extremely sound: Why would so many identifiable young men go to the trouble and lengths of writing their detailed testimony on how they were abused sexually by Sathya Sai Baba if this never happened, as Sai VIPs and devotees still wish to believe?  Knowing how difficult it is to stand forth as a victim of sex abuse, it is certain that these brave persons are but the tip of a huge iceberg. The following list is of people who have publicly announced as having been approached and misused sexually by Sathya Sai Baba in one way or another:-

 (1) Tal Brooke, USA
(2) John Worldie, USA  (see here -‘Big John’ by Murphet)
(3) Conny Larsson, Sweden
(4) Keith Ord, UK/Spain
(5) Hans de Kraker, Australia/Holland (see Hans de Kraker: telling comments on Sai Baba on The Telegraph obituary
(6) Alaya Rahm, USA
(7) Jens Sethi, Germany
(8) Afshin Khorramshahgol, Iran/USA
(9) Mark Roche, USA
(10) Sathya Purcell, USA
(11) Dr. Naresh Bhatia, India
(12) Ulrich Zimmerman USA
(13) John Bright, UK
(14) Matthijs van der Meer, Holland
(15) John Purnell, Australia
(16) Jesper Anden, Sweden
(17) Gabriel Mn, Sweden
(18) Jed Geyerhahn, USA
(19) Terry Scott, USA
(20) Neptune Chapotin USA (“Fifteen-year-old”)
(21) Son of Britt-Marie Andén
(22) Tomm ‘The Golden Boy’, Gothenberg, Sweden
(23) Krishna Kumar,  (see explanation about Krishna Kumar)
(24) Marc-Andre St. Jean, Canada (also here)

(25) Christopher St. John (actor etc. see here)
(26) Uli Steckenreuter, Germany
(27) David Paul, UK. further testimony

One of the most prominent Sai Baba devotees and lecturers, Dr. Naresh Bhatia, was interviewed by the Daily Telegraph’s Mick Brown and told how he had been a sexual partner of Sathya Sai Baba for years, and how Sai Baba had anally raped a 14 year old boy in his college. This led to  Bhatia’s sacking and removal from Puttaparthi after intense harassment by thugs. See a full account here.

Sathya Sai Baba himself related in two different discourses that boys slept in his locked bedroom apartment: see BOYS SLEEP IN SAI BABA’S BEDROOM

In addition – numerous alleging sex-abused persons whose names are not always given here for obvious reasons, including harassment of self and family members, the threat of possible murder (as occurred in 1993 at Prashanthi Nilayam) :-

30)  Several Malaysian students (unidentified, who informed the Malaysian Organization around 1980 (confirmed to Priddy by former Sai Baba activist there, Hariram Jayaram – see letter and fuller account here)

31) Two younger brothers of a NRI entrepreneur (identity known but kept secret)  in Australia who he immediately withdrew from the Sai College at PN when they told him (he has been in close contact with the exposé)
32) Former student whose writings are posted here under the pseudonym Raman Sharma
 and especially here
33) gsmpasad   himself abused and who knew a long list of students who were also ‘form boys’ for Sai Baba
34) Basava Premanand represented abused students at the Sai Colleges (see The Sai Baba and his Students)
35) Testimony from a Sai Baba sexually-abused male and more from Huffington Post
36) Sex wanted by Sai Baba claim and thugs sent after refusal – on Express Buzz (India) by Linda Burton
37) Report by Barry Pittard on Polish man molested by Sai Baba and a Malaysian man oiled genitally

In addition – numerous alleging sex-abused persons whose names are not given here for obvious reasons:-

Testimony from persons who contacted the Sai Petition:-

31)  Dilip NarainAustralia signed the petition on July 8. 2011.Period as a follower: 1979-1982 Position in S.S.Org: student Puttaparti college. “I attended his college with my 2 brothers and was abused sexually. My father handed over thousands of dollars in cash. How could his abuse of innocent children be covered up for so long?”
32) Alvaro Filippo Michelon, Italy signed the petition on April 14. 2011. Period as a follower: 1981 – 1990 “I was first molested by Sai Baba 81. But I thought it was a privilege. I’m so sorry i have lost 10 years of my life…”
33)  Veronica Isacsson, Sweden signed the petition.  Period as a follower: 94-03  “friends of me has been sexually abused by Baba”
34) Rosalia Malagelada de Neves, Venezuela signed the petition.  Period as a follower: 1988 until 2001 Position in S.S.Org: Venezuela Comite “I knew the two cases very close of abuse”
35) Paul Throne, USA signed the petition.  Period as a follower: 1988-2000 Position in S.S.Org: Center education coordinator.  “Have been to see SB 4 times, 1990, 1994, 1995-96 and 1999. Despite many positive experiences, I believe too many credible accounts of abuse now exist to pretend it isn’t real, including a young male friend of mine who told me SB fondled him. More frightening to me than the megalomaniac SB is his organization and its leaders. When the leaders refuse to hear these concerns or allow discussion of these events, it has become a complete mind-control cult.”
36)  David Juliano, USA signed the petition.  “abused by Sai Baba in 1974”
37)  michael smith, USA signed the petition.  “I am a sexual abuse victim advocate who is concerned for all victims in the U.S.”

Genital oiling by Sathya Sai Baba is also reported

(1) Jens Sethi, Germany
(2) Al Rahm (father of Alaya – testified on BBC documentary)
(3) by Greg Gerson USA
(4) Josh Kintz USA – son of Marie and Bruce Kintz (genitally oiled) 6plus two other friends of Sathya Purcell (unidentified) reported by Sharon Purcell
5) Troels Meyer – younger son of deceased Central Coordinator Thorbjørn & Marianne Meyer (EHV – Europe) (reported by his brother, Thomas Meyer)
(6) By a known US author
who, after having published that  SB applied a white ointment  to his chest later stated in an open e-mail that it  was actually on his perineum (behind the gonads).
(7) A Sai student posted (1/10/01) on Sathya Sai Baba Discussion Club under “A Letter I Wrote to Sai Critic” the following “… beside being “oiled” under the pretense of curing a different problem with a totally different part of my anatomy, I was saved from further sexploitation my en masse defections from the closet relatives who were Baba’s choice inner circle for decades who were all victims of his sodomite behaviour. Needless to say, we were villified as usual and were labelled as opportunists. I don’t expect you to believe this or post it on your site but I would appreciate if you sent this to Mr. Murphet. But he is too invested in this for nearly 40 years and I don’t expect him to have an open mind after this long. After all, my own father did not believe what happened to me when it happened. Regards,Taken for a ride for 20 years and called the “chaff””

Other reports of improper (sexual) behaviour by Sathya Sai Baba are many – here are a few

1) Edwin X, the Netherlands (the webmaster has the full details of this person, anonymous here)
2) Anonymous Danish youth
3) Gerald Joe Moreno, USA
4 The Indian web site (see downloaded page here)
They allowed the following comment to be posted on an article in reply to a defender of Sathya Sai Baba:-
TO: Krishnakumar- I used to be a devotee of Sai Baba till my boyfriend was given a private meeting when he took him inside and asked him to do sexual things with him. My boy friend was shocked , he refused, came out. My boy friend is heterosexual. We both left Puttaparthi because, after that we were threatened by Sai Baba’s thugs. We were both 23 yrs old. We realized that we had to leave. So don’t live in your make believe world!!!! Wake up. I bet you are not sexually interesting , otherwise he would have tried you too.
By Linda Burton 12/26/2009 11:45:00 PM

Sathya Sai College: ex-student tells of awful sex culture there  A valuable account to inform those who were at the colleges what others experienced. Much was unsaid about Sathya Sai Baba because of the extreme censorship, the very strong punishments that were meted out to students who talked, up to and including their death.

More untoward events at Prashanthi Nilayam – unexplained deaths, disappearances, and suicides

See a selected list of prominent signers of the Sai Petition here.

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Therapists have left Sathya Sai Baba due to cover-up

Posted by robertpriddy on February 5, 2011

A number of professional psychologists, therapists and sex abuse counselors were followers of Sathya Sai Baba. Being able to separate psychological fact from fiction, they saw through the cover-up of his activities. The obligation of duty of care and mandatory reporting of testified and suspected crimes like sexual abuse – especially of minors – was taken seriously by them, unlike the high office-bearers in the Sathya Sai Organization Dr. Michael Goldstein and Dr. Samuel Sandweiss. The fact, admitted even by several office-bearers, that Sai Baba rubs oil on boys penises and gonads etc. is itself sufficient to warrant a proper investigation, but no… these deluded worshippers are too frightened of losing their imagined spiritual boons from him even to raise the issue properly. See e.g., Barry Pittard’s article: Psychotherapist’s Note On Ullrich Zimmermann’s Sexual Abuse Allegation Against Sathya Sai Baba. The following telling account is but one example of resignation from the organization:-

“As a licensed therapist, I am a mandatory reporter of suspected child abuse as are doctors, nurses, teachers, psychologists, social workers, school counselors, clergy, and others. As I began to come to terms with the truth of Sai Baba’s pedophilia, I asked myself the following questions: Can I justify to the state licensing authority my worship of, and blind loyalty to, a guru in India who claims to be God on the one hand, and stands publicly accused by victims around the world of pedophilia? How do I justify the Baba organization’s efforts to suppress these accusations, when I am obligated by law to report them?

My journey to Baba started early in life. As a child I did not find God in the Christian faith of my family. Talk of God was there, but His spirit was absent. By the time I was 18 I had tried three different denominations. Disillusioned, I declared myself an atheist and gave up on religion, spirituality and God for 20 years. When I was in my late 30’s (the year was 1978) I took a philosophy course at my local community college and my professor, a former Jesuit, introduced me to Sai Baba. He was an honest man, an educated man, and a wise man. If he believed that Sai Baba was a divine incarnation, I was willing to take a look. I read and believed the testimonials of Howard Murphet, an Australian author, Dr. Jack Hislop, president of the Sai Organization of the Americas, Phyllis Krystal, a psychotherapist, Dr. Samuel Sandweiss, a psychiatrist, Dr. Kasturi, Baba’s official interpreter, and many others. These were, in my mind, very credible people. I relied on Sai’s representations, “I have not come to start a new religion” and “Where money is I am not.” I applauded his “Ceiling on Desires” program and the Education in Human Values program, when it came into being. Sai Baba is very godly in his demeanor. I made 3 trips to India, in 1985, 1995, and 1996. We were scheduled to go again in January, 2001. I was mesmerized by him and believed he could do no wrong. He was, after all, God incarnate.

I was writing a book, with seven chapters completed, about Baba, my spiritual journey and its compatibility with the practice of psycho/spiritual therapy. My husband and I were serving on committees organizing the Sathya Sai School in West Hartford, CT and the Sathya Sai summer camp in Woodstock, CT. I have also been a workshop facilitator at the regional retreats, and numerous meditation retreats held in our region. Both of us have been officers in our local Sai Center several times; I was vice-president before my resignation in July, 2000.

Dr. Goldstein and other officials in the organization are suppressing information, and attacking former devotees who have testified against Sai Baba. There is, for example, a letter from a woman in California which was sent to all Center presidents. In our center it was suppressed by the president and devotions coordinator because they were told to do so by the regional president. In the US freedom of speech and access to information are rights protected by law.  This material cannot be suppressed. People will eventually find out as we did and then feel doubly betrayed; first by Sai, and then by the organization and our fellow devotees.  Sai devotees resent the organization being labeled a cult, yet these are clearly cult practices and mind control techniques.

Since we first saw the information on the Internet, we have talked to three different mental health professionals. In three separate conversations, they identified the cult practices, mind control, and brainwashing techniques. These are truths we could no longer deny.

Elena A. Hartgering”



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The Guardian Unlimited: “Spiritual depths” of Sathya Sai Baba

Posted by robertpriddy on October 26, 2010


TV review  

Spiritual depths

Rupert Smith


Friday June 18, 2004

It’s difficult to write about religion without offending someone, but mercifully we’re reviewing a television programme here, and not the mixture of wishful thinking and wilful credulity that leads people to worship soi-disant gurus such as Swami Sai Baba. BBC2’s This World strand last night gave us The Secret Swami, an entertaining hour that made a compelling case against Sai Baba, portraying him as a charlatan and an abuser Young men who claimed to have been sexually abused by Sai Baba related hair-raising stories of “private interviews” in which the not-so-holy man pulled his skirt over his head and invited them to get down and dirty. Hilariously, one Hindu scholar reminded us that this is a practice sanctioned by neither scripture nor tradition. “Worship of the linga does not include doing the blow-job.”  [[NOTE. That  was the famous Kushwant Singh / SEE BBC Video clip HERE]] 

What started out as a routine denunciation developed into something more sinister. Sadly, the moment I see a man in a dress surrounded by grinning worshippers, I’m looking for a catch – and it didn’t take much to prove that Sai Baba’s “miracles” were nothing more than a bit of old-fashioned sleight of hand. On that basis, we might all end up worshipping David Blaine, which is a worry. But reporter Tanya Datta did her job properly, and went far beneath the surface of magic tricks and gaudy tat. She found that Sai Baba bought the eternal gratitude of rural Indian villagers by paying for clean water supplies, and that he caused a massive hospital to be built, funded by one of his followers, Isaac Tigrett (see BBC video clip), who co-founded the Hard Rock Cafe chain. She discovered also that the Indian government, rightly mindful of the rural vote, has turned a blind eye to claims of wrongdoing in the Baba camp. A government official got very shirty indeed with Ms Datta, shouting denials before he’d even heard the allegations. In these cases, “no” usually does mean “yes”. [[See ex-Minister Manmohan Joshi in brief BBC video clip here]]

There was little room amid all the skulduggery for any real examination of Sai Baba’s theology; all we learned was that he is an avatar, although of whom was not made clear, and that he conveniently embraces all religions. Without any real exegesis of his ideas, it was hard to know exactly what his followers believed in – it surely can’t just have been Baba’s ability to produce fake Rolexes out of thin air, or cough up eggs.

But even former disciples couldn’t shed much light on what turned them into such true believers. A nice family from Arkansas were so crazy about Sai Baba that they encouraged their teenage son to spend as much time with the guru as possible (see their testimony here). Despite allegations of abuse at the hands of Sai Baba, the son came out with the astonishing comment, “we are all tools, and we all have to be around for Swami to use – if he needs a screwdriver”.

An hour wasn’t enough to do the subject justice, and for once I was left wanting more. This isn’t something I’d say lightly about television documentaries, which usually need to be edited by 50%. The mystery of Sai Baba, of his apparent protection by the authorities, of his canny manipulation of the rural poor and his inexplicable appeal to rich westerners, only deepened. Astonishingly, Sai Baba has not yet had the collar of his robe fingered by the long arm of the law.


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Top UK Sathya Sai Organization leaders left Sathya Sai Baba

Posted by robertpriddy on October 16, 2009

Aimé Levy, President of UK Sathya Sai Organisation until removed as President and relegated to the role of Central Coordinator for UK/Eire (from which he was subsequently dismissed by Michael Goldstein & Indulal Shah), engaged himself in obtaining funds for a sewerage and water supply scheme for Prashanthi Nilayam ashram and surroundings. A team of professionals from around the world (incl. From Canada, UK, and Norway’s eco-engineer, Mr. Terje Nedland) worked very hard – hundreds of hours voluntarily – on designing a complete eco-friendly scheme, for which Levy’s had collected the funds. The team was at Prashanthi twice in two years the 70th birthday, and surveyed the area with the aid of Colonel Joga Rao, the engineer who undertook many projects for Sai Baba. A large sum of money was duly sent by Levy expressly for the purpose, but it was simply appropriated out of hand by the Central Trust (without so much as asking Levy or the team) for another project. See here. Such is the authoritarian style of Sathya Sai Baba and his minions.

Eventually Aime Levy was dismissed from his role of Central Coordinator for UK and Ireland by Mr. Indulal Shah… without so much as an explanation. He and his wife had shown great service by taking care of countless groups of UK devotees they accompanied to India,

Below is an e-mail sent to me shortly after the David Bailey revelations had caused a large number of defections from the UK Sathya Sai Organisation. Its sender, a good friend of mine – the former long-serving President of the U.K. Sathya Sai Organisation and subsequent Central Coordinator for U.K. and Ireland, Aime Levy – had already been most unfairly and peremptorily dismissed by the then International Chairman of the Sathya Sai Organisation, the autocratic Indulal Shah, in favour of an ethnic Indian after long and bitter conflicts between most Indian and non-Indian leaders in the UK Sathya Sai Organisation. Aime Levy and his wife Sandra led a very large number of large groups of devotees to India, selflessly providing services for them on a very large scale through many years, and receiving over a score of interviews for their groups. Aime Levy started the major Sathya Sai Bookshop, 19 Hay Lane, Kingsbury, London, buying the premises and donating the profits to Sai Baba’s Central Trust. When forced out of the offices he had served in for years, he donated the entire bookshop – including the valuable property in which it was situation, to the Sathya Sai Organisation of UK, even though he was still under attack from its representatives.

At the time of the e-mail below, the Levys were still not disaffected, though they later became so and broke all connection to Sathya Sai Baba and his organisation. Nevertheless, I find the mail of interest in the attempt to understand why so many devotees of Sathya Sai Baba, especially Indians, take no notice whatever of the massive international allegations of sexual abuse or, if they do, they often rationalise it as something acceptable or even good!

for; Wed, 30 Aug 2000 20:14:37 +0100
Message-ID: <001801c011c0$91209ac0$d93c073e@aimlevy>
From: “Aime Levy” <>
To: “Robert Priddy” <>Dearest Friends,Thanks for your last message. We are in touch with devotees here in UK and I am afraid that the David Bailey business is doing more damage. Our yearly “looked forward” Crewe Retreat has been cancelled at the last minute. That is after 15 years of regularly holding the retreat at the same University Campus. I reckon that a large majority of Western devotees have left the organisation. It is such a shame that some people will not see beyond.Talking to some Indian devotees (who by the way are not affected at all – hardly any of them have left) they tell us that it is common knowledge that “Gurus” generally have some of those tendencies.Frankly Sandra and myself still do not know what to make of all this. We love Swami and our love for Him has not changed.
Lots of love to you both,

Aime later informed me that Alvin Drucker had – when pressed on the issue – confided to him and his wife while in Glastonbury. UK, years ago that one of the reasons he left Prashanthi Nilayam was because of the many Amercian parents who used to come to his room and complain that their son or sons had been sexually abused by Sathya Sai Baba (I do have full proof of this if events should require it – responsible journalists and investigators can contact me for release of this proof material in confidence).

Please go to the Public Petition for Official Investigations of Sathya (or Satya) Sai Baba and His Worldwide Organization

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Gerald Moreno: homo-erotic fantasies, latent homosexuality

Posted by robertpriddy on October 16, 2009

This fanatical defender of Sathya Sai Baba and everything about him has – in his usual disgusting feral attacks on dissidents – tried to make out that I have homo-erotic fantasies and that I am a latent homosexual. Of course, this is a desperate attempt to smear me with a complete untruth, one for which there is of course not a shred of evidence. Readers may wonder why he does this? Here is a brief resumé of the reason:-

Sathya Sai Baba is very widely reported – even by some of his own officials – as using oiling of the genitals. Accounts of his molestation show that this often turned out to be a prelude to homosexual acts with young men and underage boys in private interviews. Gerald Moreno described (see here) how, in a private interview, Sathya Sai Baba oiled him “on the lower stomach” (without explaining exactly how low – so one can assume it was in the pubic area). He later came to believe that Sathya Sai Baba IS a sexual abuser, and posted this view on his website (see here). Then he changed his mind – having already spent two years attacking all those who testified that Sai Baba abused them sexually.

This alone strongly indicates Moreno’s deep uncertainty about why Sai Baba oiled him – no doubt, in view of all the evidence presented, he must have at least thought it was grooming for possible sex. Later, when he decided his position was totally untenable (as it was – defending to the hilt someone he thought to be a sexual abuser) he took the first somewhat plausible opportunity to declare that he was certain Sai Baba is NOT a sexual abuser. That ‘opportunity’ came when Alaya Rahm, one of the most outspoken accusers of Sai Baba for sexual abuse, withdrew a court case against the US Sai Baba authorities. The withdrawal was simply due to there being no way to sue Sai Baba from the USA, nor was there any accountable Sathya Sai Organization registered in the USA. Moreno has incessantly tried to twist this into a whitewashing of Sai Baba and a verdict condemning Alaya Rahm… while it most certainly is no such thing. It was simply a court case that was dismissed by the litigant (see here)! Moreno has written endless pages trying to prove his opinion, not least a constant flood of inserts on the Wikipedia Sathya Sai Baba page. In this last concerted attempts he failed miserably, having to accept that his entries were not reputable and eventually being indefinitely banned from Wikipedia by a unanimous panel of six administrators.

I do not suffer from any known mental deficiencies or illnesses that Moreno claims I do (i.e. without a shred of evidence and out of hate) nor do most of the critics of Sathya Sai Baba… but those who continue to overlook the evidence of sexual abuse and murders involved do suffer from one kind or another of cognitive disorder… Moreno continues to expose himself such a very disturbed person (see links below).

See also Moreno’s bawdy blogs and few supporters

Fighting Facts with Smears – profile of a web aggressor, Gerald Moreno

You can see a selected list of prominent signers of the Petition here.

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International Sai Organization’s clandestine operative

Posted by robertpriddy on October 1, 2009

The International Sathya Sai Organization is undoubtedly involved in a clandestine campaign of cultist harassment, systematic and widespread character assassination, smears and lies. Despite repeated application to them requiring that they disavow and distance themselves from the massive cyber attacks on dissidents and critics of Sai Baba, they have remained as silent as the grave. This implicated the leadership of all the Sathya Sai Baba National organizations, who kow-tow to the policy of the top-down authoritarian organization in never once stating that they do not support the activities of Gerald Moreno. This proves that the Sathya Sai Organization privately condones Gerald Moreno’s fanatical hate campaign, because they have a strong cultist agenda. Attacks on apostates are one of the sure signs of a non-accountable and clandestine cult.

Gerald Joe Moreno admitted in a blog that he knew several of those who received free cars from Sai Baba – including members of the Sathya Sai Central Trust (see scan below) . This no doubt includes Dr. G. Venkataraman, Vice-Chairman of the overriding Prashanthi Council, who was one of those figures who was sometimes available to meet foreigners (eg. I met him). One has to be very well in with the Sai Baba official in order to meet members of the Central Trust! Draw your own conclusions!

from Gerald Joe Moreno's blog attacking critics

from Gerald Joe Moreno's blog attacking critics. These persons he knows are very fat cats by Indian standards - well-heeled from before - and the money used for the cars was DONATED FOR THE POOR, UNEDUCATED and SUFFERING!

That people prominent among Sathya Sai Baba’s following such as Isaac Tigrett, Phyllis Krystal, Alvin Drucker and leaders in his organization from the former Dr. John Hislop onwards to Dr. Michael Goldstein, Thorbjørn Meyer, Bernice Meade, Peter Pruzan and numerous others know full well that he oils the genitals of young men and boys. It is a disgusting lack of human decency and moral courage that these persons do no denounce his activities… even though they feel they have too much to lose. They have spend many years of their lives under his sway so that they are totally involved in his cult and have few hardly any friends or contacts outside it. These people speak of ‘loving all’ but they really only love themselves and those who agree with them. Not one official ever took any steps to investigate a single complaint from any of the many young men and/or their parents, and 95% of  dissidents’ letters on this were unanswered, or even returned unopened! This cult is unaccountable and closed to normal human concerns, despite all its pretty talk and endless propaganda about how ‘spiritual’ it all is.

Gerald Moreno claims to have contacts with thousands of devotees around the world, besides which he is linked to – one of the largest Sai Baba propaganda websites on the Internet. This shows again how Sai baba devotees partake in a cultist programme of disinformation and slurs against ex-devotees.

SECOND OPEN LETTER TO THE PRASHANTHI COUNCIL ON THE ORGANIZATION’S SUPPORT OF LIBELS Also ignored, demonstrating their (passive) acceptance of libels and character assassination made on their behalf.

Please go to the Public Petition for Official Investigations of Sathya (or Satya) Sai Baba and His Worldwide Organization

Posted in Character assassination, Cover-up, Cults, Denial, disinformation, Gurus, Indoctrination, Sathya Sai Baba, Spiritual propaganda | Tagged: , , | Leave a Comment »