Sathya Sai Baba Deceptions Exposed

Exposing major deceits by guru Sathya Sai Baba in India, incl. murders cover-up & widely alleged sexual abuse

Posts Tagged ‘Prafullachandra Natwarlal Bhagwati’

Sai Baba’s minion former Chief Justice Bhagwati showed total disrespect for justice

Posted by robertpriddy on May 1, 2011

full text of arrticle from Times of India entitled ‘Sai Baba, my god, dictated my every single judgment’

In one of the most noteworthy interviews yet given in connection with Sathya Sai Baba, former High Chief Justice P.N. Bhagwati – to the Times of India – makes clear he is certainly not a man of justice or anything like upright and honest and is not even his own man, as the title of the Times article makes fully clear:-
‘Sai Baba, my god, dictated my every single judgment’. This seems to mean Sai Baba made him signed the infamous letter signed by Bhagwati along with PM  A.P. Vajpayee attacking (unnamed) vested interests who were accusing Sai Baba ‘recklessly’. It was itself reckless, being based entirely on belief and without any preceeding investigation whatever (see the facts here).

The comments so far show that Bhagwati has no supporters, no doubt because of the gigantic contravention of justice he displays and his mendacious replies about the murders, about which he most definitely knew full well.

As a director on the Board of the Sathya Sai Central Trust he should have a round figure as to the trust’s assets… but he claims ignorance.  Worse than fishy.

Hari Sampath, (Technology and Management Consultant) the original petitioner to the Supreme Court against Sathya Sai Baba – whose petition was advanced by the famous lawyer Kamini Jaiswal but which was rejected out of hand and the evidence destroyed (but for one vital copy!) – has posted the following questions to Bhagwati. No doubt there will be no answer received:-

Mr Bhagwati, I have some questions for you, although from your interview I have already got all answers. I had given a formal complaint to the CBI against Sai Baba in March 2001, and moved the Supreme court of India through a Public Interest litigation under article 32 of the constitution ( hope you remember this PIL law as you were the one who initiated it). From your responses it is very clear you have no respect for the law or the constitution, and you clearly state that any man/woman “revered” by millions as divine should not be investigated for any crime. Have you heard of the legal maxim “Justitia non novit patrem nec matrem; solum verrtatem spectat justitia. (Justice knows neither father nor mother; justice looks to the truth alone.), or for that matter “audi alteram partem” ( hear the other side), which are the basic pillars of natural justice ? If you have a case before you with even eyewitnesses who say Sai Baba raped a young boy , and if your judgment is ” what is the point of investigation, as I think he is god”…I think you must be locked up in a lunatic asylum. When the whole world is aware of the fact 6 murders took place in Sai Baba’s bedroom in June 1993, you- a Sai Baba trust member, who had extensive confabulations with the then home minister SB Chavan to close the case, now claim ” I was in Delhi and am not aware of it, I don’t know” , you must either be delusional or a fraudster. Shame on you Bhagwati, its a national disgrace that you were Chief Justice.

This surely deserved the replies it got:-
JUSTICE LOVING (Putaparthi) replies to Hari Sampath
1 hr ago (12:33 PM)
Proud to know people like Hari Sampath stood up against powerful criminals and ashamed to know that country produced CJI like Mr. Bhagwati. I agree that in the public interest, Mr. Bhagwati should be locked up in a lunatic asylum.

Sam Rai (India) replies to Hari Sampath
2 hrs ago (12:22 PM)
All the teachers at the Sathya Sai School and University in Puttaparthy and Whitefield are ex-students who were appointed by Sathya Sai Baba himself! Each of them was at one time a Form boy. Form boy is a term used in his school and University for boys who were sexually abused by Baba! Because they were sexually abused at a very young age most of them have become Gays! And these Gay teachers are now continuing to sexually abuse younger students, and this culture is continuing there!

P.N. Bhagwati shows signs of having ‘lost his marbles’ now that he has no Lord and Master to tell him what to do (he imagined), as he claims Sai Baba did in every detail, as many devotees often claim was his mystical way of communicating! His tearful talk shows he is emotionally unstable and his statements show he is mentally unstable too. Worst of all, India has had to live under his corruption and all that of Sathya Sai Baba too. It leaves behind an Augean stable that will take decades to clean up, if then!

You can see a selected list of prominent signers of the Petition here.


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