Sathya Sai Baba Deceptions Exposed

Exposing major deceits by guru Sathya Sai Baba in India, incl. murders cover-up & widely alleged sexual abuse

Archive for September 3rd, 2008

Sathya Sai Baba descended to ‘save India’

Posted by robertpriddy on September 3, 2008

So far the self-proclaimed avatar of Vishnu, Sathya Sai Baba of Puttaparthi, cannot be seen to have done more than a minimal amount to save India and uplift her poor and their vast sufferings, as he has promised long since. Only then, he has proclaimed, will he proceed to save the rest of humanity from world disaster (so THAT will have to wait a LONG time, it appears).

Quotation of [prediction made by Sathya Sai Baba to John Hislop

Quotation of [prediction made by Sathya Sai Baba to John Hislop

Let us glance briefly at how current events illustrate the on-going failure to save the poor of India from disasters. With all the excitement in Indian about recent economic growth and the production of the world’s cheapest car, the  Nano by Tata Industries, the continuing calamitous state of India’s masses tends to be overlooked. Currently there are the worst known floods in India in Bihar (note: Sai Baba claims to be able to turn back floods and rain) – as well as serious  religious conflicts with killings (East India) and a state of unrest and violence in Kashmir again.

Economic boom no benefit to millions of poor: The very prominent Indian journalist and Executive Editor of the critical Tekelka weekly, Sankarshan Thakur, was interviewed on BBC World News, 3/9/2008. He was asked if the Indian economic boom and globalization were helping raise the poor of India, which he denied, saying that nothing of the Indian economic boom has filtered down to the poor. He adds that politicians in India are never held to account for their mistakes

Thakur is known for incisive reporting and is considered by some Indian journalists to be one of the finest exponents of print journalism in the country and an expert on backward Bihar State. He is the author of “The Making of Laloo Yadav, The Unmaking of Bihar”, where he showed incisively how thousands of crores of central government development funds directed to Bihar are unused, year after year. The comptroller and auditor general of India laments this as criminal, but nobody could do a thing. The poor, unlettered and backward citizens of Bihar [there are 100 million Biharis in India] are being kept in primitive agricultural poverty without development or progress in technological benefits.

My purpose here is not to descry the various benefits that have accrued to the Indian poor and suffering, nor even to rich Indians, for that matter, through donations to the Sathya Sai Central Trust (mostly foreign). My point is entirely to show that the monstrous claims of being the returning Avatar of Vishnu, Rama and Krishna come to save humanity and transform India and the world is entirely bogus to the point of absurdity, when the facts about how limited are the improvements due to Sathya Sai Baba’s movement. I am not beguiled by vast flights of fancy so common among devotees about what Sai Baba may or may not perhaps be doing on supposed ‘astral levels’ or miraculously far beyond the ken of human minds. I refer to demonstrable benefits (even when disregarding the damage he has done to very many persons who have left him contacted me, or whose personal accounts I have read).

See also  ‘Has World Saviour Missed the Plane?’

As to religious differences in India, see here

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