Sathya Sai Baba Deceptions Exposed

Exposing major deceits by guru Sathya Sai Baba in India, incl. murders cover-up & widely alleged sexual abuse

Gerald Moreno backs lying saboteur M. K. Yachendra

Posted by robertpriddy on April 19, 2009

Yachendra (aka Murali Krishna,  the grandson of the Raja of Venkatagiri see here) made a very extended, vicious and constantly lying attempt to sabotage the Sai Exposure work. Firstly he tries to infiltrate it through the International Sai Petition by pretending to be a teacher who had organised students sexually abused by Sai Baba. Since the Sai Petition Administration carefully checks all suspicious stories and avoids posting which are suspicious (or deletes those which are evident sabotage attempts and lies), ‘Murali Krishna’ was totally unsuccessful. He was asked to contact Barry Pittard and Basava Premanand with his ‘information’… this led to a massive exchange of e-mails in which he compounded his lies to such an extent that it is almost incredible anyone would go to such lengths. He claimed that there were plans by the Sai authorities to murder Premanand, that Sai Baba and his officials had massive Swiss bank accounts, that he had organized a large group of students sexually abused by Sai Baba and much more like that…

However, Premanand and Pittard smelled a rat (correctly. indeed) from the start but decided to played up to his pretences, realising that this would be a major exposure of the methods of close Sai Baba devotees – especially one who has been a student and temporary ‘teacher’ at a Sai college and whose family has always had the closest connection to Sai Baba and his authorities.  View the content of some of the very many e-mail contacts with Murali Krishna to appreciate the sheer extent and despicable nature of his lies (which he later admitted – indeed boasted – were lies when he ‘came clean’ on Sai Baba bulletin boards about always having been a totally devoted devotee. What Murali Krishna Yachendra did in different names is documented in the book ‘Sabotage by Murali Krishna Yachendra’ published by B. Premanand (see Indian Skeptic booklist).

Murali Krishna Yachendra is promoted as a genuine and honest person by Gerald Joe Moreno, himself an unreliable and emotionally zealous commentator on all Sathya Sai Baba matters, who defends Sathya Sai Baba and the International Sathya Sai Organization at every turn (see Moreno is himself a  petition saboteur and unscrupulous attacker of all critics and ex-followers of Sai  Baba – so he and Yachendra are a case of “birds of a feather flock together”.  Moreno has himself also admitted openly that he was “oiled” – oil applied by hand to his “lower stomach” in privacy by Sathya Sai Baba ( see Moreno and sexual abuse, denial and subterfuge) where one can also see the posting he had  for years  on his website stating that he believed Sathya Sai Baba to be a sexual abuser (yet defending in him in every possible way all the while!)

Incidentally, Murali Krishna Yachendra was one of Prof. Erlendur Haraldsson’s main sources in his book ‘Miracles Are My Visiting Cards’. His massive documented lying to Premanand raises serious doubts about how reliable his fanciful accounts were when he was interviewed by Haraldsson.

See Basava Premanand’s account of the entire months long exchanges here

First contact – mail to Sai petition – plus a selection of some of the many scores of subsequent e-mails

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