Sathya Sai Baba Deceptions Exposed

Exposing major deceits by guru Sathya Sai Baba in India, incl. murders cover-up & widely alleged sexual abuse

Gerald Moreno’s personal details removed from

Posted by robertpriddy on April 25, 2009

Joe Moreno claims that he never ever removed any page with personal details from This is entirely false. He removed pages entitled AboutMe.html, ExperiencesSai1.html, ExperiencesSai2.html and ExperiencesSai3.html – all of which contained diverse details of a very personal nature. (See proofs below)

showing pages NOT archived (or removed) by Moreno

showing pages NOT archived (or removed) by Moreno

The website was started by Gerald Joe Moreno – earliest known entry being October 5, 2003. One may note. however,  that Moreno either got removed or avoided archiving the pages in a period where he had his own photograph plus extensive account of his first knowledge of – and visit to – Sathya Sai Baba, including where  he was “oiled in privacy on the lower stomach by Sathya Sai Baba” All his pages are filed, however, including the extensive abuse pages against the Sai petition and libels against the many critics which he also had for some years on the same website, but removed them. Since I seldom look at his libelous and extremely voluminous, tedious and finicky websites, I did not notice until I just did a Google search on some keywords that he re-posted the materials at (  —  and at and on his main libel site, So be it. He also DID remove them from, so I was right in my statement.

Text with his personal digitally made “mandalas” was also removed (and the accompanying images) from, as follows:

” On my “Mandalas” link, not only do I have Mandala Art and information about Mandalas and Chakras, I also have Mandala Pictures of Ganesha, Lakshmi Devi, Shiva-Shakti and Kali.Also, if you are looking for Mandala Books, Mandala Links or Mandala Images you will also find them through my “Mandalas” link.
I hope you enjoy my Mandala Art Creations as much as I have enjoyed making them!”

The following text from the vishvarupa site”s AboutMe.html, and from ExperiencesSai1.html, ExperiencesSai2.html and ExperiencesSai3.html contains many genuinely personal details that Moreno had on, but removed – exactly as I claimed but he vehemently denied. Here they are:-

My hobbies are crystals, computers, web design, digital art, checkers, scrabble and being a Nature voyeur!  Love the stillness of night. Love the Ocean. The Ocean makes me cry. I am basically ambi-troverted, with an inclination towards being introverted. I am thankful that I am very comfortable in silence and in being alone.  I consider this a true blessing. While many people often feel the “need” for a companion, I don’t. I am content. Yes, seriously.I’m a NON-preaching, NON-PETA, NON-fanatic Ovolactovegetarian (I eat dairy and egg products).My favorite foods are fresh pesto, baba ghannouj, hummus, pita bread, home-grown tomatoes, all citrus fruits, anything chocolate, anything vanilla, lemon zest, samosas, cheerios, shredded wheat cereal, all types of pastas, granola, portabella mushrooms, garlic bread, coconut chutney, veggie lasagna, all types of squash, bosc pears, strawberries, Boca burgers, veggie pizza,
avacados  and  almonds.Something magical about herbs. My Favorite herbs: Rosemary, Thyme, Sweet Basil, Sage, Mint, Lemon Verbena, Oregano and Garlic Chives.

experiencesjoeFlowers I like: India Jasmine (most fragrant jasmine in the world), Roses of all types, Cactus Flowers, Honeysuckle, Portulaca, Magnolias, Tulips, Hyacinth, Geraniums, Vinca, Carnations, Sunflowers, Azaleas, Iris, Lavender, Sun Flowers and Alyssum.

I collect crystals. My favorite Crystals are: Smokey, Rose, Milky, Rutilated and Clear Quartz, Carnelian, Azurite, Emeralds, Obsidian, Petrified Wood, Kunzite, Moonstone, Tourmaline, Selenite, Jade and Turquoise.

I’m rational, logical and down to earth. Yes, seriously.
I’m Caucasian/Italian/Mexican Blend and 34 years young.


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