Sathya Sai Baba Deceptions Exposed

Exposing major deceits by guru Sathya Sai Baba in India, incl. murders cover-up & widely alleged sexual abuse

Dramatic sex testimony from ex-student at Prashanthi Nilayam

Posted by robertpriddy on August 5, 2011

There have, through the years, been a number of quite independent reports of Sathya Sai Baba having dual sexuality, and dual sexual organs too (physical hermaphroditism). Here I am posting information delivered to me by a person whose identity has been checked and found to be valid, but which will not be made known at this stage for our own reasons, obvious to those who know the real nature of the Sai Baba gang in power. There are evidently others who know of the incident and any confirmation from those who were present when the form boy spoke out in public at Prashanthi Nilayam about Sai Baba’s dual sexual exhibition and are willing to contact me can be confident I shall act in complete confidentiality as they may require. Our informant was a student and ‘form boy’ (well known to me nut his name has to be protected) who tells of Rahul Sharma now in Canada:-

“Rahul was a smart looking boy who got close to SB through the help of the teachers, like the Principal Mr. Habbu, who were looking for smart boys to speak in public and to go closer to SB. Rahul was abused in the very first interview. He used to cry a lot. Even when he disclosed it to his father, this stupid man beat his son with chappals in plain view in front of the school. Later on Rahul did a very brave thing which surprised everyone and that is why we think he was thrown out. While Speaking before Sai Baba in public in the Poornachandra Hall, he very clearly stated that swami had shown him in private in the interview room his SHIVA SWAROOP FOLLOWED BY ARDHANARISHWAR ROOP (that means, God Shiva as half man and half woman). For one moment even Sai Baba looked stunned. Later on the boy was given a terrible thrashing for this glaring mistake.

Today, I cannot but respect the bravery of that boy. I think this shows the terrible nature of working at the Sai-schools. I still fail to understand what made” People like Principal Habbu or Munni Kaul partners in crime at Puttaparthi.”

If indeed Sathya Sai Baba was a physical hermaphrodite, the consequences would be enormous for our understanding of his rise to fame. He would have been worshipped by the ignorant villagers as the incarnation of Shiva-Shakti, Shiva-Parvathi and so on, as is still done today in Indian villages to persons with unusual abnormalities. He would have had a free run to dictate to everyone who knew or believed in him as such from his earliest years. I have explored this with reference to early sources etc. in my article Sathya Sai Baba – an enigma or a myth?

As mentioned, this testimony supports a series of similar testimonies through the years. Tal Brooke was told by a close friend how Sai Baba had a vagina, about which he wrote in his first book exposing SB, ‘Avatar of the Night’  (see Tal Brooke – Avatar of Night excerpts).

The same or similar claims are reported in the overview paper ‘A Guru Accused’ by Alexandra Nagel

Further, in and impressive long video interview, Ullrich Zimmerman gives a very credible account of his visit to Puttaparthi and the ensuing private interview with sexual molestation (oral sex) and reports on the apparent Sai Baba’s dual sexuality?

Yet others have reported their experience or perception of Sai Baba as having both sexual organs. Some consider the perception to be a result of hypnosis, which is very easy to achieve when the subject is already a full believer in the omnipotence etc. of Sai Baba. However, the extreme secrecy about Sathya Sai Baba’s condition during his fatal illness and the apparently complete restrictions placed on his doctors’ access to him, reportedly by Sathyajit, his main much younger boyfriend to the last, raise the suspicion that doctors were – at least as far as possible – kept in the dark about Sai Baba’s genitalia. That there was no certified death document nor post mortem also makes it impossible definitively to confirm his having been born with both organs. Had the doctors noticed this, it would have been virtually impossible for them to have said so, as the pressure to cover-up everything about the guru and his misdeeds is so enormous on those within the movement.

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